[quote=@BigPapaBelial] No no not a Skitarii. Dear gods that would be cool though. I was thinking like the Regiments Combat Engineer, that one Enginseer with his halbred wrench and an auranic pistol marching in along side the guard to see to their las rifles later on. [@Thayr] [/quote] Ahhh I see I see. So the crux of the game is that players apply with their own Imperial Guard Regiment and for that Regiment's Colonel, and then have effective control over all members of that Regiment for the purposes of snapshots at certain points of action. On the whole, this is more aimed at sort of group movements but could work with that sort of integrated character. The only thing I'd say is that your Enginseer would need to be given the green light by whichever player Regiment, worked in properly so there aren't any disconnects, and you wouldn't really have control over the general area your character would be at on the map. If that's OK with you, then I would see no problem with that sort of ground view.