[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Stark Hall - Floor Six [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=E948FC]Costume:[/color][/b] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/701082630778650694/1170518195468259438/AE495F8E-440D-4FCC-B70C-692938B61E1C.jpg?ex=65595504&is=6546e004&hm=c0093a824d2332ab927d501c89ce963a9f5fe09afbb732f425b943ef4d8b569d&]Double Trouble[/url][/center] [color=E948FC]“We're nukin’ t'e dickheads t'at ‘acked Beanie, duh! ‘ard ta be little assholes when you're a stain on t'e wall!”[/color] Danni cut in cheerily, even as he skipped outside, phone in hand. [color=E948FC]“Aw, Spicy! You look so adorable! T'ough, t'e accent makes you sound like Poisson-Pas and t'ats kinds off puttin’, you know? Could you imagine a mini-him runnin’ around, planting fuckin’ explosives and randomly flooding rooms in t'e same of survival?”[/color] Danni shivered at the thought, tempted to check the hallway for apocalyptic traps. He surveyed the hallway critically, certain death already forgotten, as he thought about how the photo. Percy's refusal to play along really dampened the spirit of the whole thing and he was half tempted to demand just a She'ra photo but he could already hear Dee whining about it, so he supposed they'd just work him in just off the side so he wasn't too obviously against the grain. Though, maybe centering him would be better but Spicy barely tolerated attention; Danni couldn't imagine he'd sit still for more than 7 pictures while they got it just right. [color=E948FC]“Yeeees, Mads you're rockin’ t'e look! Do you t'ink you can do like, a spell circle or whatevs it's called for t'e photo? It'd be so cool, you'd be so cool, like 10/10 would Magik again. 10/10 would trust wit’ my life!”[/color] Danni begged, as a perfect picture came to mind. He scrambled over to Dee, and waved at all of him. [Color=E948FC]“Relaxed picture second - use him as an arm rest [i]after[/i] you pose. Gotta do the Seahawk pose! Spicy, just cross your arms, be generally grumpy like always! No extra effort needed!”[/color] [Color=E948FC]“Course, gotta ‘ave Beanie front and center! Gotta ‘ave our She-ra in t'e middle, sword up ‘cause Beanie's a bad ass who ain't scared of no ‘acker.”[/color] Danni grabbed his tripod and camera, setting it up as he spoke. [Color=E948FC]“Princess, you go between Beanie and Dee and Leah, you're on t'e other side of Beanie. And t'en Mads, spell circle next ta Leah and t'en I'll…[/color] Danni paused considering where he could go. It was unbalanced if it trailed off on Mads ‘cause they only had one past the center three versus two but he'd wanted to be with Princess and Dee but he'd written himself out of that combo there. [i]Ugh[/i]. [Color=E948FC] “We don't ‘ave a Catrs, so I'll skulk my way between Mads and Leah. T'en we can do cute photos! Yes, no, maybe so?”[/color]