So far, I just kind of have it as to where all of the characters end up in a castle realm and have to live together which is… easier said than done [s]and there is most likely a kitchen ban list[/s]. However, there is also a realm full of various forests and vast field which are teaming with life (and monsters…) as well. Some characters might try and find a way back home, however and as for people, I haven’t really had that many reply to the thread yet. [s]Also, not me planning on throwing Riddle (a character from Twisted Wonderland) into the potential shenanigans. He’s one who tends to follow the rules and well, let’s just say that he ended up being a [i]bit[/i] of a tyrant like the Queen of Hearts. He mellowed out, though albeit he still hates being called short. (Consider the fact that well, I have played the game but… I’m still stuck on Book 3)[/s]