"We also need to still appreciate that we are under cover. If we go busting down one of the four hundred thousand doors, we'll alert our quarry and be no closer to catching them." I reminded her. "I definitely empathize with your frustration. I would love to call in the Ordo and lock the planet until they are found, but the Ecclesiarchy is a powerful force in the Imperium. A civil war between the Ministorum and Inquisition is not preferable." "I know, I know." She said, sighing from exhaustion. Not at myself, I believed, but at the situation. "Let's just get this done." "Agreed." "My files indicate that our realm of success is three hundred eighty four thou-" "Shut up, Lazarus," Emmaline and I said in unison. The tech-priest bleated in binary but did not continue with his odds of success on our mission or its likelihood of being connected to this conspiracy. The toughs beside us wisely remained quiet, and my 'wife' and I hooked our arms and walked back to the aircar. Over the next day, we received the schematics for the Pentecostal Rememberance, the stretch of land that Primate Fulstes directly oversaw. Lazarus was able to even find the blueprints for the sewage system and all additions added since it's creation two thousand years previously. I concluded that we approach by the ground, to appear as a more mundane approach, and dress our men in militant fatigues to better hide our true intentions. Once inside, we would head for the main chapel on the eighteenth floor, and if the Primate was still missing, his chambers which were, conveniently, down a mere three corridors to the west. It was likely heavily guarded, but our passes would allow us in and we would be close enough by that point to enter without the Primate able to flee and make a fool of himself. I reiterated the plan to Emmaline. She did not seem entirely enthused, but she felt it was workable as long as we were stuck in this situation. "I also had a... plan, that involved your skills." I admitted to Emmaline. She raised an eyebrow and looked my way quizzically. "I believe they would be more inclined to let us in without scrutinizing our reasoning if my men and I were accompanied by a confidant of the ministorum." "Agreed, but...?" "I believe an adeptus sororitas would suffice."