[color=ed1c24][b]INCOMING/TRANSMISSION[/b][/color] The Corrupted Oracle: [color=ed1c24]...I gave you ample warning.. all of you. The innocent lives lost, the pain and destruction wraught... It's all your fault. Cursed Writers... this all couldve been avoided. The First Revelation arrives soon. Seas of crimson darkness wil envelop all.[/color] [img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5491f6c3e4b054ec6c30ce55/1453070859635-ENIHJ1DV7BT60VUWPTG4/image-asset.jpeg?format=1500w[/img] [i]As we approached her shell, The skies went silent, seas went calm as if by spell. No signs of fight or flight were in her; all was well. Until I tried to take her helm... Her rig became alive, She hung my crew before me eyes! She stole my sight and cursed me Captain of The Shadow. She took my eyes and cursed me Captain of The Shadow.[/i]