[@Zeroth] [@The World] [@ActRaiserTheReturned] [color=39b54a][b] [h1] [center] Xiaolong Wu [/center][/h1][/b][/color] Xiao shook his head thinking that what had just happened was a hallucination. The tall man still felt uneasy about what had just transpired. Xiao would need to speak to his friends to see if they knew what had happened. Xiao had a few friends who were knowledgeable in the supernatural. He hoped that they would be able to assist him. Heading back towards his apartment he made sure to lock his door so nothing would barge in. He gets on the phone frantically punching in the number to his friend’s phone number. He waited impatiently as he could hear the phone ringing. “[color=39b54a]Pick up pick up pick up.[/color]“ He muttered under his breath when suddenly he heard his friend’s voice. “Hello? Xiao how are you?” The friend’s voice was feminine. She was a woman Xiao had met in Osaka while filming a movie. Her occupation was being a fortune teller and psychic. “Is there something wrong?” She seemed to know what was on Xiao’s mind. He was not surprised as she probably knew what was going on. “[color=39b54a]I am doing fine Umeko-chan. Although I have to ask have you seen or heard any strange occurrences going on lately?[/color]” Xiao had the TV on but without any sound. Although he did have a close caption so he could read the subtitles. He had the TV turned to the news. “I have had people telling me of recently strange supernatural events happening to them. I am sure you have noticed the strange creatures that have been seen roaming the streets.” As Umeko spoke Xiao was nodding in agreement. While watching the news he heard reports of strange occurrences happening all over Japan. With the sky seemingly changing into different strange colours. With the cloud dissipating what looked like a large tear appeared in the sky. “[color=39b54a]I’ve noticed. There seem to be other strange things going on. Perhaps you know the reason why all of this is happening?[/color]” He suggested but had a feeling she would not know all the answers. Flipping the channel to another news station that was reporting the same occurrence as the other station. “No, I do not know the reason why this happening. But if I were you I would want to investigate that new age group that everyone is talking about.” She was referring to the Messengers Of Hope. or perhaps she meant The Crimson Order. There were so many cults out there it was hard to keep up. “[color=39b54a]I will have a look into them, but if you were investigating those groups would yield any answers?[/color]” He asked sounding doubtful he would find anything useful. But perhaps he could look into it and see if he could get any useful information. “[color=39b54a]Thank you Ume I appreciate your help.[/color]” Watching more reports of people being attacked by frightening creatures. Xiao hung up his phone. He didn’t know where to start in his investigation. The closest thing he could do was to go to one of their centres and ask for information about their group. It would be a good start and he hoped it could yield some results. Xiao looked at the back of his hand noticing the symbol was still burnt into his flesh. Cursing under his breath what this cursed gift. The large man walked out of his apartment determined to find out why all of this was happening. Meanwhile, the other two chosen would be disorientated by what had just occurred. Although with the burnt symbol in their flesh, it was clear what they experienced was not a dream. The demon they had defeated dropped a piece of paper on the ground. If they were to pick it up they would notice it was a flyer for a group called Messengers Of Hope. The details of the flyer noted there was to be a meeting going on later tonight at Inokashira Park.