[hider=Nova Ashford] [center][h1][color=PeachPuff]Nova Ashford, Codename Star[/color][/h1] [img]https://imgur.com/0BxggGo.jpg[/img] [color=PeachPuff][b]Name:[/b][/color] Nova Ashford [color=PeachPuff][b]Age:[/b][/color] 29 [color=PeachPuff][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=PeachPuff][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Nova has darkblonde hair and honey coloured eyes. Due to her retina augmentation in her right eye, that eye presents as blue. From afar, it seems like regular heterochromia but to the keen eye (ha, get it?) it will be noticeable that she has a retina augmentation, though it is quite subtle aside from the colour. A transparent or almost invisible one would've been too expensive. She has several piercings in her ears with varying jewellery. Behind her right ear, there is a small augmentation visible if she puts up her hair. It works together with the retina. [color=PeachPuff][b]Augmentation:[/b][/color] As mentioned, Nova has a retina augmentation. This is because she is mostly deaf, the thought of the retina augmentation and the additional piece behind her ear almost negates that. Kind of like cochlear advanced. She can still actually hear a bit, too. It tells her visually the location of sound, and the source of it, or when people talk, it makes small subtitles for her. This also comes with the handy ability of immediate translation, should someone not speak English. Due to her lack of hearing, the retina also ups her vision such as ultraclear zoom. The retina connects to a small watch on her wrist, through which she can enter its settings. [color=PeachPuff][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Nova is a hard worker, who works more than she relaxes. If she were to relax, she'd find herself with a book, and not around humans. If she wanted to get away from her small living space, she would go outside to run (though, with the use of an advanced mask against the smog), or to one of the inside running simulator rooms in the gym of her building. She's not afraid to speak up or get feisty, and she is more of a spitfire than anything else. Though, while she doesn't quite show, her emotions and feelings run deep. [color=PeachPuff][b]Defining Trait:[/b][/color] Hardworking [color=PeachPuff][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] Nova lives in a too-small loft apartment with too many plants. It helps make her small house feel more cosy and oxygenated than the smog-filled world outside of her tall windows. She shares the home with her cat and her hobbies, which are reading books. Her favourite hobby is archery, one of the more affordable sports due to its old and non-futuristic characteristics. Why touch an actual bow and arrow when you could do it in VR, right? Well, for Nova the real deal is where it's at. She grew up in a military family, and her father always taught her know how to defend herself. Which- does not help the current lab tech out at all, unless she would have to defend herself against rogue bacteria. In order to make a living, she applied at Voidlight for a job once she graduated from university in microbiology, thinking the company was a simple hiring agency so she could afford her home and the crippling debt her augmentation put her in. She soon rose from a simple lab tech to lead researcher due to her commitment to her work, long hours and smart thinking. Though, the loansharks she had gotten money from, to be able to get the augmentation that would allow her to be a functioning citizen, came knocking. That's why Nova didn't doubt when she got asked for a [i]different type of project[/i], one involving many NDAs and something to do with Dark Energy. And a hefty pay raise. And working under the Vice President people refer to as 'Dragon' she had before only ogled from afar. However, the combination of her research and her physical capabilities are about to throw her in a new assignment altogether. One deep, deep below the water. [color=PeachPuff][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Knowledge of Dark Energy, yet there is so, so much more to learn. Physically fit, fast runner, extremely proficient with a bow and arrow. [color=PeachPuff][b]Inventory:[/b][/color] A Voidlight provided set of bow and arrows, futuristic in a way that tiny rods turn into deadly sharp arrow once activated. An earpiece connected to her behind-ear argument putting her in contact with the Voidlight assistant. A 9MM handgun strapped to her thigh. A backpack with the essentials of exploring + snacks. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Aurélie de Villiers] [center][h1][color=rosybrown]Aurélie de Villiers[/color][/h1] [img]https://imgur.com/fGWF9SD.jpg[/img] [color=rosybrown][b]Name:[/b][/color] Aurélie de Villiers (nicknames: Auri, Ellie, Subject #6425) [color=rosybrown][b]Age:[/b][/color] 25 [color=rosybrown][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=rosybrown][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Aurélie has ashen blonde, wavy hair and her eyes are hazel, lighter than her father's. She has freckles, but a pale complexion due to her time in the facility. 5'4". Frail, but surprisingly strong. Has piercings in her ears, and a tattoo behind her right ear. It is obvious her body, and mind, have been through a lot these past 7 years, and the 18-year-old teenager has not grown well into the 25-year-old woman she is now. [color=rosybrown][b]Augmentation:[/b][/color] A implant which allows Von Galloes to control her muscle functions. [color=rosybrown][b]Personality:[/b][/color] 7 years of being a captive, under Von Galloes's twisted mindgames, Aurélie changed. At first, she fought tooth and nail, and held onto hope that someone would come save her and Cosette. But, when Von Galloes started holding Cosette over her head, that she couldn't see her sister if she misbehaved, she became a meek puppet for Galloes. But she didn't stop scheming. Instead, she armed herself with knowledge about the facility and the people within it. She is strong willed, but easily broken, as her hope has been shattered time and time again. [color=rosybrown][b]Defining Trait:[/b][/color] Haunted [color=rosybrown][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] Aurélie spent 7 years being tortured, working as a researched, and being the object of Von Galloes's twisted games. When, a month ago, she was forced to say goodbye to her sister, being told she was being sent off to die, Aurélie stabbed her direct manager in the neck in a fit of rage, thinking her sister was dead. She got thrown into a cell, and abandoned all hope until the door of her cell opened once more. [color=rosybrown][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Knowledge gathered by researching [REDACTED] in [REDACTED] while [REDACTED]. Strong in her legs and hands. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Theo de Villiers] [center][h1][color=Steelblue]Theo de Villiers[/color][/h1] [img]https://imgur.com/6aO5WSs.jpg[/img] [color=Steelblue][b]Name:[/b][/color] Theodore Noel de Villiers (nicknames: Theo) [color=Steelblue][b]Age:[/b][/color] 24 [color=Steelblue][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=Steelblue][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] He's 6'3", with dark brown hair, and the dark brown eyes of his father. Fit. Often keeps his facial hair, full but short. [color=Steelblue][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Conservator-restorer at The Louvre [color=Steelblue][b]Personality & Backstory:[/b][/color] Theo is what you could call a social butterfly, though the last 7 years of his life have left a permanent mark on his mental health, and the broadness of his smile. Still a social man, he went to university as planned, despite his senior year in Lycée being a fiasco. After the summer where his sisters went missing, everything went down hill. Between his parents at him, and between him and his father. His worries, or rather his grief, for his sisters made him a terrible student. Still, he got the drive because Aurélie always told him to stay in school, to become someone, instead of a guy who lives of his parent’s money. So, he got into university, following his original path; MSc Conservation for Archaeology and Museums. He still has a good, swift talk, often found making jokes and not taking everything too seriously. He's a flirt, too, and is well aware of his good looks. Once he started in university, he finally convinced his father to let him work at the Louvre. Though, Theo thinks that may have been the result of some guilt of the divorce upcoming. He was a tourguide during his entire university period, mirroring what his father did when he first started working at the Louvre. He did his internships at other museums, and once he graduated, he started working as conservator-restorer at the Louvre, his main focus on artifacts. He’s still very fond of his mother, essentially having chosen ‘her side’ during the divorce. It had pulled at him more than he let on. He spent his entire youth idolizing his father, and loving his mother, but didn’t realise they didn’t really love each other like he thought they did. The los of his sisters was a nail to the coffin. To this day, Theo still struggles what to make of his relationship with his parents, his status as an only child, and dealing with his father’s new spouse; Nick, a man a year younger than he himself is. He took over Aurélie’s motorcycle once he got his license, at that is his main mode of transportation. He’s had some relationships, but Theo always ends it off once they become… attached. [color=Steelblue][b]Defining Trait:[/b][/color] Extrovert [color=Steelblue][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Smooth talker, physically strong, spent a couple of years doing Taikwando before he got bored, extensive historical knowledge over artifacts and conservation. [/center] [/hider]