[right]”No real thing can be so perfect as memory, and she will need a perfect thing if she is to survive.” [color=gray]Scott Hawkins, [i]Library at Mount Char[/i][/color][/right] Discovery remained a constant risk. It was hidden, yes, but it was not [i]hidden[/i]. Security through obscurity; The Eidolon had acted only sparingly on the world and creation, and was accordingly not looked for. That was their only saving grace, the only obstacle barring the discovery of the main portion of their divine body. If they were to take a more active role, begin trading information and favors in their bid of escape, it would have to begin with active defenses. There was too little time for a permanent residence, not yet. At first, a safehouse would do; somewhere to render an active search difficult. A stepping stone to greater things, and a useful asset in the centuries after. A dozen copies of the god spread out, in a dozen different forms as the god searched for somewhere to construct their new hiding place. All but one were disguised in various mortal forms to avoid attention; the final one, in the preferred identity of the hidden god, went to the great tree at the mythological center of Galbar. There was no fanfare to their entrance, no great announcement of their presence. One moment there was nothing, and the next they were there. The air was thick with divine essence. A great many people had been here, and here, the Eidolon sniffed out, was where the remains of the divine hammer lay. Deep down, they Perceived, divine creations. A cave in the roots, nooks for divine symbology along the trunk, a sunbeam from the far side of the sun roosting in the leaves, the air reeked with it. The Eidolon’s trace was miniscule, easily lost in the rampage of essence left behind by the rest. Here, then, an opportunity to once more hide in the hornet’s nest. Disguise the main body of their essence, and none would ever sniff it out amongst the comings and goings of the pantheon. The Eidolon, in their preferred form, one of rending teeth and sharp claws, traveled on foot down the trunk, towards the caves below. It was easy to avoid the senses of the poor, hapless goblins below. Every saccade of their eyes was an opportunity, and the god could directly Perceive the signals firing in their brains. It was never a fair fight to begin with. The Eidolon was a ghost. The goblins would have never seen them except by choice. Here, there was potential. A taste in the air, more essences, some familiar and others only known by passing. Galaxor had been here. Others, too, fighting rot in the roots. That problem had been solved, and that, the Eidolon knew, was an opportunity. Keep the roots clear, and the pantheon would likely never come looking again. They gave up corporeality as they phased into the roots. Their powers lashed out, in careful selection as they carved their own cubby hole within one of the roots. As the wood dematerialized, it was replaced with protective seals. The Eidolon had not been idle; they had studied the mannerisms of divinity, the aspects of power, and now used that knowledge for their own protection. In the safety of the seals, even if a god were to look directly at them, that god would never realize what they Perceived. A rudimentary protection, one shredded with focused effort, but one that nonetheless would have to do for now. It was far better than unprotected in the crust. The bulk of the Eidolon’s essence began to move, until the crust was once again clear of the god’s presence. Then, the next stage of the process. Miniscule amounts of power began to flow from the safehouse, enough to calm the roots and provide for them. This, the Eidolon hoped, would lessen the risk of re-infection of the roots. So long as the tree remained healthy, surely none would have cause to deeply search the area. An act of benevolence, made for practical purposes. Once the humble safehouse was completed, the Eidolon recalled all its disparate scouts, and let its preferred form once more step out of the roots, all the way to the trunk of the tree. Here, it began to study the essences, making notes of everyone who had come before. One was fresher than the others, though. Too recent, too strong, as though somebody had just arrived. The Eidolon tensed, and began to track the trail. The blackwinged god, the lord of undeath came down like a comet wrapped in feathers, yet his landing was graceful and did nothing to harm the vast tree, despite how imperfect it was in his estimations. Yet even a seed may grow into something greater given enough time, someday that vast tree may itself find the gentle embrace of undeath. At least that was what he hoped for, despite all mortal life and things living was flawed, it didn't mean he had the right to end it, and the very thought of an end made him think of the other side of the coin. Death. He allowed himself a soft scoff as his wings parted and revealed his form. He decided to wander around the trunk of the tree, the base, the most important part for things to grow. It applied to plant life and other things as well, a strong firm base was needed in order to build a mighty tower. This thick and hard wood would serve as a good tool for dealing with the other gods, for it would act like a beacon to them most surely. They would come for it. There was no doubt in his mind. He began to wander along the ground, clicking with his taloned feet as if feeling the ground itself. How odd it made him feel, it was far different than floating about in the skies or away from the mortal realm. If the tree itself were a creation of Allianthé, the goddess of life, which he had not yet met. Then no doubt would it become the focus point of forces opposed to her. It wasn't a big leap away from Harrowfane, the land of his creations, perhaps he could create some form of device which could not only aid his own land but that of the tree as well. Such thoughts would have to wait for later, as now he was on a hunt. A hunt for the other gods, surely such a meeting would prove fruitful. He sniffed the air, he pursed his ears and his eyes wandered, he even allowed himself to search for signs of any other gods essence, but the tree itself was a creation made by a goddess. He was irked. He could see nor hear anything. What a bother. Having to announce oneself. "Come forth, I, Reverion beckons you forward. You who dwell by the base of this thickening wood, you who share roots akin to mine. Come and reveal thyselves in the shade of my blackened wings." He spoke out, his right hand stretched out as if he was plucking imaginary apples from a forbidden tree. The voice that answered his call was right behind him, head-level. Before that had only been an itch of a presence, something that squirmed out of Perception every time he tried to hone in on it, drifting amongst the divine essences left behind like flotsam on the wave. The voice was chilly but not cold, ever so slightly flat, the barest tone of mild interest mixed with a lack of surprise, “I wasn’t hiding from you.” She was on the trunk, claws dug into the wood and her legs braced to hold herself up. Though it would have been possible to float, for whatever reason she had not. Reversion could detect the slightest hint of divine essence from the creature, though the usual Perception of their domains of power somehow wormed just out of reach. The creature’s tongue flicked through the air, as it commented, “You’ve been here before. This place is littered with you.” "Oh? What have we here then? You are... quite different from what I've seen so far. Hmm..mm.." Reverion slowly walked over towards The Eidolon, his eyes scanning the being in front of him. This being was unlike El'Zadir in almost every way, aside from obvious traits and this one being equally disrobed. Not that it bothered him that his eyes could wander, but it did bother him if a mortal would behold a god or goddess in such a state. Which begged the question, what was this being? He could sense the divine essence which all gods carried, but it was... lacking? Was this a mortal, a god? Something in between the two? An offspring of a god perhaps? Reverion's mind began to wander, having witnessed his creations do their ritualistic mating rituals and the result of them, he knew fully well that if the mortals could do such, so could the gods. But if this being was a creation of another god, or a union of gods. Then which one? To find the knowledge of the origin of this creature, a bit of digging would have to be done. Information of the other gods and such could prove fruitful in ferreting out those who may be deemed a threat to the great plan. "You were not hiding hm? Well, I can tell that much from what you are wearing... or not wearing rather. Besides, who would so openly reveal themselves if they were? It be akin to the intelligent boasting that they are indeed the most clever." The talon footed man began to wander around The Eidolon, inspecting it closely. The god of undeath was pleased with what he saw. "Now then, who are you? Or perhaps I should ask, what are you? You bear the essence of the gods... yet of a lesser kind. But as you say, I have indeed been here before, yet not alone. Things often come in pairs. The exception being this thick piece of wood ofcourse, which seems to indeed be one of a kind." Reverion said softly, his talon clicking against a root as he climbed atop of it. "But to be able to tell the presence of a god or several is a power which no ordinary mortal possesses. What is it that you are doing here?" His gaze fell upon the wood which the Eidolon's claws had dug into. The Eidolon smoothly tracked the god, her head swiveling to track him as he walked around the feminine projection. Her mouth opened to a toothy grin, each separate eye blinking independently so that always one remained open. Every so often, her tongue flicked again, and she commented, still cooly, “Gods who walk in the chasms left by the footprints of the loudest of the pantheon remain gods. I am bearer of creation, fully the same as you. I merely make do with less.” Then, she stretched out an arm, pointing at a hole in the chamber, “The second of your pair reacted violently,” her tongue flicked out, as the toothy grin tightened into something more like a grimace, “unprovoked, I would hope? You surely understand why that is an important question for me.” Then, with a sudden change of topic, the projection looked down at her body, “By your standards, should I be dressed? I am what I am; the only purpose of all that cloth that covers you would be decoration, even for a god of the gaps such as I. I fear no temperature, fear no weapon, and behold myself not to mortal standards. I am not vain, and have thus eschewed decoration.” Reverion couldn't help but find the being in front of him to be the very antithesis of what he stood for, what he wanted of his followers. This was a creature which was content in having less, someone who was not striving to climb higher? An opponent of ambition? But not only that, this being spoke in a manner which concerned him. 'She walks in the footprints of those who are greater... she follows... but in their shadow to survive?' The blackwinged god pondered, his eyes wandering over her form anew. "Whom is this second you speak of?" The undead god doubted El'Zadir would have acted rashly. Then again. She had punched him. Albeit perhaps there was some hint of reasoning behind it. Reverion reached for one of his feathers, then warped it to create a feathery cloak out of it, he also plucked a strand of his hair to bind it. Then he approached The Eidolon. "You are to be dressed indeed, for to gaze upon a god's naked form like that is a reward, not a granted thing for all. You must earn the right. As for not fearing temperature, weaponry and akin. Fear keeps one existing, if one bears no fear, one will make something foolish. Possibly paying for it with one's existence. Behold the mortals, for they are in a manner a reflection of ourselves... albeit a minor one. Things which we normally cannot see ourselves we may find in them to be shared with us. With that in mind... do accept this cloak as a gift from one god to another..." Reverion softly smiled as he attempted to slip the cloak over the Eidolon. She did not move out of the way, accepting the gift as it was offered. As it slipped over her, she tilted her head, reading his face, picking up answers to questions he did not intend to respond to. As the cloak slipped over her projected body, the Eidolon looked down to inspect it. Her tongue flicked, and she noted how Reverion’s essence lingered on it and further diluted her own, a good disguise. She then looked back up at the god, and bowed her head, responding, “I understand. Thank you for the gift; I will treasure it.” "You are welcome. However there are more things to treasure than things of the material. Such as a name. Names are important. What is yours? If you are a god, what is your domain of influence? Care to share?" Reverion put both his taloned hands behind his back as he hunched over, giving the Eidolon a sly smile. "My purpose in this world is to have the mortals become akin to us, not because out of kindness nor out of spite, but because it is fair. Tell me, what right do we have to pass judgment upon the mortals? When we do not share their hardships hm? The mortals breed and their offspring learn from the elders, in a manner of speaking, the mortals are our children. But we do not play by the same rules. That isn't fair is it? There are some who may want to discover and experience all things that has been, is and will be. Yet I think such ambitions will ultimately leave one very unfulfilled, when the destination is unobtainable. I think one ought to be more at ease simply appealing to the purpose of life. Or existence as I prefer to call it. What is the purpose of it? It is to experience it. How many of our kind feel the way these mortals do? I find myself quite intrigued to learn from them. As from my fellow kin, to find out who wants to shelter this world and who seeks to destroy it." Reverion explained in a long manner, his voice collected and calm, if not abit philosophical. "Hm? Have you ever considered producing creations of your own?" He gave a sly smirk. On The Eidolon’s face was consideration as he spoke, seemingly caught on every last word he spoke. But to her, lies came as easily as breathing, and her response, though a naked falsehood, was spoken in the tone of one who had been caught in the web and opened up with full honesty, “Yes, you’re right. We shouldn’t withhold names from each other. I’m Anatu, a god of knowledge.” To further the illusion, she failed to ask for his name in return; it wasn’t important. Instead, she entertained his ideas, “I think I understand what you mean. We should learn from how the mortals act and try their methods of living, yes?” She played up her innocence, a tactical decision, as she asked, letting her tone shift to curiosity effortlessly, “But what, exactly, would you suggest? What should we do to be more like mortals?” She tilted her head once more, just to finish the illusion, masterfully crafted by a god well-versed in falsehood. One clawed hand reached out to clutch the cloak, as though holding it on. Her tongue flicked once more, this time to suggest interest in his words. Every action had a purpose, and the god of secrets allowed no slip-up in the feint. "Pleasure is... all mine. Anatu. Of Course we may learn from their methods of existence, what I am saying is to simply walk amongst them. Try to think as they do, even if that may render you feeling simple. View it as having your two- err... your eyes all covered while listening to a voice, could you say with absolute certainty it belongs to a god or blessed mortal? Ofcourse there is the essence one may sense, but such can be strengthened or diluted no doubt to blur the lines." Reverion offered a satisfied smile. "A god of knowledge. Ahh, to know things can be useful, but some knowledge might change one's perceptions forever, depending on what one would regard as the truth. In a way, you could say that knowledge is a form of corruption... I mean, could you know it all?" He asked as he knelt down to pick up a pebble from the ground, placing it into his right hand and then putting them both behind his back. Then discreetly he slipped it into his attire and held out his taloned hands, tightened into fists. "Can you tell which hand the pebble lies within? It could be in either one right? Because you did not see which one I put it within." The god opened both his hands to reveal the truth that the pebble was in neither hand. "As for more suggestions on how to be more like the mortals? How would you like to add a little addition to the great wheel of chance? I wonder what would spring forth if two gods were to breed akin to the mortals. Perhaps such an existence could be our little secret away from the rest, it is always wise to have a backside door. Not just sitting on one." The god chuckled as he stretched out his taloned hand, beckoning to The Eidolon to approach. "But such can wait for later. Unless of course.. you want to know. God of knowledge, Anatu." His eyes became thin as slits as he gave an amused smile. The Eidolon continued to play the part, still hanging off every word as deep consideration – or a perfect facsimile of it – crossed her face. Silently, in her head, she Perceived Reverion’s trick with the pebble, but still she nodded her head along, as though bought fully into the message. Then, as his hand beckoned, she dipped her head, almost hesitantly, providing some resistance to the idea to make the acceptance seem that much realer. On the face of it, it was as though a dam broke and she had decided to give his ideas a chance. That she had fallen for it without even realizing and was like putty around his fingers. Something to be molded. She let go of the trunk, letting herself drop to the floor as she stepped up, reaching up to grab his hand with her clawed digits. She said, quietly, almost as though embarrassed, “I think I would like that. I think, some time, I wish to know.” Privately, The Eidolon was calculating tactics. It assessed the value of the information it had to gain, the blackmail it could generate. All for indulging a god in predilections that only befitted the limited pleasures and temptations of third-dimensional mortality. It played its final card through its projection, interest in the face of its shell, a yearning tone put on for good measure, “May– may I accompany you for a while? To see the world as you do, and gain more of your perspective?” "Oh? You would wish to accompany me, hm? I see you have a thirst for... knowledge." Reverion mused, his tone dripping of satisfaction, then his eyes wandered as he noticed The Eidolon taking hold of his taloned hand. 'She's like a mortal. If I end up protecting her from the dangers of existence, she might end up unable to defend herself and therefore become more a liability than an asset. However if I were to simply leave her to her own designs, her powers may fall into the hands of another who may be more... rough around the edges. Quite the delicate dilemma. What am I to do with you?' The god of undeath pondered, his glowing eyes wandered over his potential companion. "Very well, you may accompany me for a while, Anatu. The idea is appealing. After all, neither of us know just what else is lurking out there... At least that is what I assume, god of knowledge. The pebble may be in either hand, or none at all. Perhaps it never even existed. We'll see, or we do not. What matters is the choices made along the way, to remain learned, yet the same. Lest the truths of all worlds may end up making a creator into a destroyer. Tread warily upon the pathway of ours, we know not how many snares lay upon it." The god softly spoke then lifted The Eidolon up with him, taking her towards Barrowfell, the newly made holy site of his, which looked currently more like a war-camp with Bloodbeak and his vampiric followers organizing the place. "Welcome to Barrowfell, the staging ground of the army of the undead. This will be the sword of my land. A fortress of making a point. That all who attempt to meddle in the greater existence, is at risk of becoming it's target. I will not allow anyone to meddle with the chosen mortals, no matter if they are mine or not. The distinguished must be protected, for like ourselves they shape the world of worlds. Someday the mortals may even become powerful enough to not only reject us, but challenge us. If that potential is not to be admired, then what is? Think of this Anatu, for whom do you use your powers? For what purpose? Your own? Or theirs? I find it far easier to simply make their desires, my own. Then think that my actions are the wills of another, or like you said yourself... some vain thing." The god chuckled as he showed The Eidolon his fowlfolk in Barrowfell, the newly constructed holy site. While he didn't know what this god of knowledge would be up to, he figured that by keeping her close, he could ironically learn from it. After all, it was better than knowing nothing at all. But this would be his little secret. [hider=MP Summary (Eidolon)] [b]Start:[/b] 5 MP [indent][i]Used:[/i] 4 MP on learning [b]Domain (Divinity)[/b]. An explanation of this Domain in the hider below. [i]Used:[/i] 1 MP on a Holy Site named, blandly, [b]Safehouse[/b]. Enhanced to 3MP using [b]Secrets[/b] and [b]Divinity[/b]. 2 MP used on protection to make the Holy Site harder to discover. 1 MP used to provide an immune system to the roots of the Tree, to lessen the risk of them ailing again from divine influence.[/indent] [b]End:[/b] 0 MP, help I’m broke! [/hider] [hider=Domain (Divinity)] Divinity refers to the power of creation wielded by the gods and their methods of using that power. This domain refers not necessarily to mastery of all divinity, but rather an extensive knowledge of how the gods work and live. It opens up opportunities to recognize gods, recognize their work, and how to manipulate the power of divinity to a degree other gods find difficult. Further, it aids in the disguise of divine power, either as another god’s work or as nothing at all. While it does not help with works that ultimately do not make active use of divinity, works that do require divinity, such as a divine siphon to produce power for a creation, are vulnerable to this domain. [/hider] [hider=Summary] The Eidolon is looking for a semi-permanent hidey-hole so it can be more active in the world without risking discovery of its main body, and thus risk itself. It decides it may be prudent to hide in the lion’s den, and thus goes to the tree. The idea, it thinks, is that with so much essence around, it has a greater chance to go under the radar. It sneaks around the tree, including in the caves below, and ultimately settles on carving out a little slice of root. It places protections on this safehouse, named uncreatively Safehouse, to make it harder for other gods and mortals to find. This is enhanced by the Secrets domain. Then, it gives the roots an immune system to prevent future problems with them; this is so gods have no reason to check the roots again. This is enhanced using the Divinity domain, since it’s primarily based against something like the Divinum issue again. Once that’s done, it brings its body into the Safehouse and then goes back out to continue scouting the tree with a projection. Reverion arrives and when The Eidolon’s projection reviews herself (The main body is an ‘it’, while the projection is a ‘her’.) and Reverion immediately gets the hots just like with the last god he met. He first thinks she’s a baby god produced by two other gods, inbetween openly flirting with her, and she corrects him by lying that she’s just a weak god. He accepts that explanation, and gifts her a cloak while still flirting with her. The Eidolon, via the means of its projection, accepts the flirting because it’s an opportunity to get more information on Reverion. She is able to convince the Reverion her interest is completely genuine, in part because the Secrets domain makes her an utterly perfect liar, and she is able to convince him to keep her close. Reverion, meanwhile, still doesn’t [i]fully[/i] trust her, but thinks he has far more to gain than lose by bringing her along. Here, the first true false alias of The Eidolon is created. Reverion knows her as Anatu, Goddess of Knowledge. This projection is also brought to Harrowfane, and essentially takes on a job as a spy. As the Eidolon can be in several places at once with multiple projections, this does not hamper any of its other plans. [/hider]