Banner art image by Krysdecker [img][/img] [b]Location:[/b] Queens, New York; Avengers Academy [b]Interactions:[/b] Everyone [hr] The group as she had shown up, and those that had arrived since certainly made for an eclectic bunch. There were those clearly arriving with loved ones all the way to those seemingly being delivered under armed guard. Laura had a brief grin to herself that she supposed she counted against both of those. It reminded her of the early days at Xavier's. Mutants had come from a wide variety of different backgrounds and different levels of support. At least, she supposed, for some here, that didn't always come with the caveat of a nation which feared and hated them. She had her differences with how the X-men had run things and had continued to function, but she couldn't doubt the necessity of the work. A shudder of guilt ran through her. Some days this felt like abandoning her people to side with the oppressor, the 'human.' There were those on both sides of the mutant divide who had often accused Logan of such things, was she simply following in the footsteps of a man who had turned his back on his own people? The tour provided an opportunity for her to be quiet with her thoughts, perhaps a blessing and a curse. The workshop didn't hold too much of pressing interest to her. Logan had taught her to tinker with engines of various kinds, but that was more from a self-reliance perspective than an upgrade one, and she'd always kept her own bike away from communal areas like this, especially when she doubted this campus would have any mundane security issues. Beyond its own inhabitants, that was. The gymnasium and assorted spaces grabbed her attention more so, despite her distractions. She wasn't sure if it would always have been a part of her personality or a deliberate choice of her 'behavioural programming' but she had a fierce competitive streak and was already evaluating her chances against her fellow students at each of the sports and activities on offer. Apart from swimming, she gave the pool a wide berth. When the tour reached the cafeteria a few moments passed where the keen eyes of the students may have picked up on Laura's absence, but by the time the tour was moving on she was miraculously back in the fold, an unwrapped and already half-finished snack bar in her hands, no doubt procured from the mostly empty space. She seemed a little more animated, putting aside the troubling thoughts for the moment. She knew Logan would secretly adore the library, at least the portions which didn't entirely relate to magic. Then came the matter of the dorm rooms. The revelation of shared rooms brought a raised eyebrow to her features before a brief laugh and comment passed her lips. [color=gold]"All that Stark money couldn't afford a few extra walls?"[/color] Her tone was teasing, but ultimately light-hearted.