Vista also got stabbed by March, who would've blown her the fuck up if she didn't use her bullshit shaker 12 powers. Going by the notably imperfect wiki, Wards are kept restricted largely for their own wellbeing. They're [i]kids,[/i] ultimately. Child soldiers, sure, but Kid Win, for example, was never going to be up there with Armsmaster, or Miss Militia, if all he did was get thrown at S-class threats every day. Reason being, he'd either spiral downwards emotionally from that, or he'd just straight up die. Even when parahumans are generally inclined towards combat, they're still people with lives and needs. And it's also not exactly appealing to the public when kids are regularly chasing down threats like Echidna. But anyway. Bridgewater [i]is[/i] in a rough state. At the moment, tensions are low enough that the PRT can reasonably turn their attention to this little pet project of theirs. The measures put in place to break the rules down to their bare minimum were controversial in the bureaucracy, but there were advocates from the Protectorate backing up the director. Enough voices were together on it that the guy in the chair to end all chairs decided "fuck it" and left Bridgewater to sort it out, on the basis of them knowing the situation better than someone half a country away. The kids will still need to sleep and go to school, but the rules bend to accommodate their potential desire to stay up late. Of course they probably will be pulled out of bed for emergencies, but hey- That's bureaucracy for you lol. Anyway, now that we've got some people around I'm gonna whip up a discord link in a moment. Edit: Link is at the top, get yer asses in here