[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/mDCIPXxm.jpg[/img] [h2]Kasper Mirandola[/h2] ・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*・゚✧*[/center] The Scion of Shadow had made his summons to Juniperus into something of a vacation. He was traveling with a small entourage this time, only he, his templar, and two other servants had made the journey. He had booked a suite at a luxurious hotel in the area, and had spent the previous days touring around. Mostly he visited holy sites and churches, and he paid his respects to the high cardinal, but there had been some leisure, too. It wasn't his first time in the holy city, but it was such an interesting place that it felt like there was always something new to see. A certain relic had piqued his interest this week - an artifact that was said to have belonged to a scion during the era of war. He had made a small study of it. It was an amazing piece of history, really. Even after so many years, Kasper could still feel the remnants of magic clinging to it. Well, recording his notes and speculations about it was a fine afternoon spent as far as he was concerned, but it wouldn't do to keep Zacharie waiting for him in interminable boredom; so he hadn't returned to the site the next day. The main event was scheduled for this evening. Kasper made his appearance in great style, wearing a well-fitted formal suit. The fabric was a creamy white, but the top featured elaborate gold embroidery and tassels that hung from his narrow shoulders. His earrings too were gold and amber, matching his famously stunning eyes. On his chest was a large onyx amulet. Symbolically, its glittering darkness identified him as the Scion of Shadow. Kasper was undeniably a beautiful young man in this fine attire; though he had quite a habit of dressing himself to the nines, and the outfit wasn't really so far out of the ordinary for him, all things considered. The scion was very much at home during the formalities of the ceremony, and he showed the appropriate solemnity throughout. He had taken part in so many ritualistic functions over the years that it was second nature to him. He was always deeply involved with the religion of the goddess these days, whether in study or in practice. Because of that involvement, perhaps, he had genuinely come to enjoy playing his part. He did take a personal interest in the two men at the center of it all - the new Scion of Time and his templar. Watching them interact and apparently tease one another, it was impossible not to trade glances with Zacharie. It hadn't yet been two years since their own ceremony of this kind - Kasper's second. During that affair, he had extended the warmest and most sincere welcome to his new templar. Unlike his former partner, Zacharie was nearly the same age as him, and was a fellow mage. Consequently they had found much to talk about, and were becoming fast friends. Once the ceremony was complete, Kasper naturally congregated with the other scions. He acknowledged each one of them when they drew near, friendly even to the ones he was less familiar with. He shared his first real interaction with the Scion of Gravity. He looked her up and down with approval. [b]"Why, Maya, what a fabulous dress!"[/b] he said, with genuine interest. Its design and its deep purple material were obviously a cut above something that could be produced by the average tailor. [b]"Would you honor me with a photograph together?"[/b] The two got together for a moment and he posed with a bright, likeable smile. He agreed to have it sent to one of her people, sure that it'd make a good way to remember the night. Admittedly, he didn't understand much about Maya's Instagram presence, but he knew [i]of[/i] it, and he knew that being seen with other famous people would be good for her career. Hopefully this moment would serve as a small gesture of friendship going forward, as he wished nothing but the best for his fellow scions. To Ionna he said, [b]"You keep your sweets, and I'll keep my secrets,"[/b] with a mysterious wink. But then he let out a laugh, and the strange tension melted away, and it was clear that it was said in good fun. [b]"Welcome, Ionna. I am Kasper Mirandola. I hope the evening finds you well."[/b] He did however take notice of Edmund's fun fact - that he was reading over Kasper's own sonnets. The wave of appreciation that washed over him when anyone took an interest in his works was singular. Though he couldn't acknowledge the compliment outright to maintain secrecy, he flashed a grin at the templar and nodded at his good taste. The white-haired man was hoping to find a moment to greet the new Scion of Time. But as he was at the center of attention, it took a little while before he got his chance. And even then, not wanting to monopolize his company, he kept it short and to the point. [b]"Congratulations, Prince Lucas. May your new templar be to your liking - I find that makes things go more smoothly."[/b] There was obviously a bit of history behind the statement, but it would remain only an implication for now. Then Kasper added, [b]"The Goddess' blessing is strong in you. The mana I felt you wield during the ceremony was quite significant."[/b] The remark was high praise coming from him. Being devoted to the study of magic, the subject was never far from his mind; he was rather perceptive when it was involved. There was warmth and curiosity behind his golden eyes when he gazed at Lucas. Everyone was amazed by the powers of the scions, of course. But for Kasper, there was a special awe - he never failed to realize that these sigils were literally the presence of the divine.