[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/1002727749556912200/Desperado.png?ex=6561397d&is=654ec47d&hm=13d56fa10867473595eeff5268dc13aec1fe9df41237dd5dc2a5e756f1291c74&[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/987494285253427230/unknown.png?ex=65612d38&is=654eb838&hm=258c15e2bde6a786a534d4b65620d83faa772c49f7911fa6505fdda647cff493&[/img][/center] [hr] [center][h3][/h3][/center] [hr] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/yew9L0Xjm_g[/youtube][/center] Calm and quiet, Tarak was silently waiting. Toasty and calm, he sat within, ready for the moment for action to begin. Snow began to cover the [I]Phoenix Hawk[/i] in a thin layer of white, as within, Tarak slowly began to nod his head, slow and calm, quietly, he listened and watched, all in his own world. His eyes were completely peeled and ready, as even the slight movement of the snow did not escape his eyes. Then the first of their targets came forth, an unknown mech, yet one that would quickly be dealt with if the need came down, next was the emch they waited for, the [I]Firestarter[/i] himself. Yet Tarak waited, quietly as his head continued to nod as he slowly waited for the shooting to start. It was to be a giant orchestra started by one movement. Everyone was preparing to fire, and everyone began to pick targets quietly, for Tarak he could not keep a full target on the [I]Firestart[/i] quite sad, truthfully he would wish to put both his large laser and both small lasers on it, however, he did find another target. The uninvited Panther who seemed to carry a pretty nasty weapon, yet it would mean nothing if it was dead. [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/7Fz72iB1qvc?si=8f8encckLPkmy0qj[/youtube][/center] It was a cacophony of destruction as the Green Knights all at once opened fire, the [i]Phoenix Hawk[/i] took aim and fired its' Large laser rifle to bear down onto the [i]Panther[/i], hopefully in center mass (this is the free hit), as the [i]Phoenix Hawk's[/i] small lasers followed suit. It was then, the once red lasers fired a pure bluish hue that seemed almost unstable. The laser almost seemed to have weight, as the laser fired the beam seemed to rip the air apart, any snow flying by wasn't melted but turned into puffs of white souls that seemed to cry out. Tarak was quiet, the drumming of the song pounded through his chest as the [i]Phoenix Hawk[/i] let out the deep and strong drumming from its' mounted stereo system. The curse of hatred, the black magic casted upon his weapons, was much casted upon the user.