Niccia watched the older human and Ho-Oh get along, grinning slightly before she looked to Michael as he spoke. She moved to smile at him before he reached for her hand. "I'm very glad." Niccia said before she giggled, "To be fair, Netherlu is one of the ones who are very happy to talk." She glanced to Frosiien as she walked a bit behind her partner and her father, "I couldn't [i]imagine[/i] being with the Regi's. Not that they're bad to talk to they just... Don't really talk." "Camping sounds good." Niccia said with a small smile, she looked to Sparky in her bag. "Wanna get us some fire wood?" She asked, the Joltsodour wriggling out of her sleeping spot and stumbled to the ground with a squeak and a sparkle of glitter. "I assume Netherlu doesn't mind roughing it for a bit longer?" She asked with a smile. Frosiien stretched slightly before she looked into the sky, part of her wanted to twist forms and take into the air for a night time flight, but she knew she'd need to be here with the humans to keep them safe.