[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BjtZNtv.png[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]Location[/color]: North of the crossroads, 6 km from Stritzel's Estate, Western Kindeance. [hr] As disappointed as she was to lose any amount of manpower right now, Veronica nodded in understanding with the Antigone members' concerns. She had honestly predicted something like this would be the case. The two had always felt almost like... a "loan" in a sense, even from the start. They were there to plant the geolocator, and since that failed -or rather, regardless that it had, their job was over. That they were willing to stick around to even guard the cart in the absence of the majority of the team was also perhaps them going above and beyond, and she would take what she could get. [color=ed1c24]"I've no objections,"[/color] she smiled without judgement. At Solomon's support for the timing of their attack and offer to aid in the night watch, Veronica nodded gratefully. At Lord Thernous's questions, Veronica paused, giving the matter some thought, her brow pinching lightly in consideration. [color=ed1c24]"Getting close to the outer wall isn't really the issue, Lord Thernous, especially not under the cover of night,"[/color] she finally replied. [color=ed1c24]"It's what comes beyond that point that is concerning."[/color] She smiled. [color=ed1c24]"You bring up an interesting proposition regardless. I had my own thoughts on how we should approach, and a two-pronged pincer attack seems ideal. If we could get a portion of our forces into the manor proper unseen, then we could attack from behind, as the second half of the team collapses upon them from outside simultaneously at a predetermined signal. Ideally, we should control the manor first, before the enemy has any chance to retreat into and use it as a last line of defense."[/color] At the latter question, Veronica slowly shook her head with a frown. [color=ed1c24]"Not to my knowledge, no. I scaled the wall entirely in my past infiltration. Not to mention, servant entrances are only useful if there's somewhere for them to reasonably be coming and going. Stritzel, however, has set up in nearabout the 'middle of nowhere', as they say. There would be no purpose to such amenities except to be security threats."[/color] [hr] Perking up at Jazdia's question, her gaze turned to bore into the elf's still turned back. [color=ed1c24]"When my team approached the compound, I chose to play it safe. Evan, though his firepower is laudable, conveyed that his experience in subterfuge is nonexistent. I elected to never bring him closer than the forested areas outside the outer wall. Similarly with the members of Antigone, so that they could set up the geolocator undisturbed."[/color] Rubbing her chin, she added, [color=ed1c24]"For my own part, I infiltrated the manor personally. That's how I managed to confirm it was empty as well as identify the existence and location of a subterranean layer."[/color] "I see." Jazdia finally turned and lowered the lantern. "If you say the anti-scrying barrier was similar to what Asevor employed in Fanghorn, then my theory says our power can work just fine inside the barrier itself. It's a curtain, a veil-type magic jammer. Have you determined how wide the area it covered?" Veronica grimaced. It was an expression of familiar annoyance at facing an at least half-competent foe. [color=ed1c24]"It stretches far, very far, all the way to the outer wall. If it's as easily dealt with as getting inside it... that would be incredibly fortunate. I hope your assessment is correct. Penetrating the outer walls is honestly the easiest part of this mission. If we can get that far and be unhindered past that point? This is sounding a lot less dicey than I was concerned it'd be."[/color] Not that she'd allow herself to feel relieved for even a moment until the job was done, of course. This was just the best-case scenario, mere wishful thinking until proven otherwise. Shinobi instincts screamed incessantly that it sounded too good to be true, habitual paranoia rattling in the back of her skull. "If you say it's easy, then the security has to be very minimal there if not nonexistent. Why would they concentrate their security in the inner wall? Lack of manpower? I believe that's the only sensible explanation." Veronica slowly nodded at that, resisting the impulse to worry at her lower lip with her fangs. [color=ed1c24]"That does sound sensible... Though, I cannot confidently give exact numbers, as there was no reasonable opportunity to check the basement level for reserves."[/color] It was the moment Jazdia finally showed an expression that indicated weariness. "I will withhold my input about how we infiltrate the compound until we get there. But here is my take on the timing. I agree that resting is important." Jazdia flipped open her pocket watch and announced. "It's 8:45 now. If we sleep now, we will have enough rest to assault the compound at 4 in the morning. That will be my suggestion for this entire planning. Also, I want to make it clear that if the old intel about Stritzel provided supply assistance via underground tunnels is to be trusted, it means once we go loud, there is a chance that she might escape with Cedar through the tunnel. Or use the time between the first attack and our incursion to barricade herself with our poor bear. What's my plan to counter this will wait until I get a closer look at the facility." Veronica nodded firmly, a grim but determined expression crossing her lips. [color=ed1c24]"They won't escape, not with Cedar. My Sight will hunt them to the ends of the earth before they do."[/color] Her lip curled up into the beginnings of a repressed snarl, before smoothing out into placidity, one hand instead clenching. [color=ed1c24]"As long as they leave the safety of their precious, warded lair, there's nowhere Stritzel can hide."[/color] Sucking in a slow, quiet breath through her nose, she steadied and blew out the embers of her temper. Tilting her head, she recalled what Jazdia's wonderful eyes were capable of and chuckled mirthfully. [color=ed1c24]"I suppose I'll leave handling the escape tunnels to your all-seeing gaze,"[/color] she teased with a small grin, eyes crinkling. [color=ed1c24]"And if you miss? I can always clean up after,"[/color] she added cheekily, nodding to herself. [color=ed1c24]"Hah... 4 in the morning then. Sounds good to me."[/color]