[b] The First Lotus[/b] I'm taken aback by Sin's cutting remarks. I lift my chin in deadly defiance. How dare he. Their logic is the ramblings of a megalomaniac. I push past Omega in a flutter of skirts and lightning. Past Alistair who I can't stand to look at right now. Past Saedysm who makes my skin crawl. Past Sin who has my blood boiling. I fall in step with Vincent, who I can at least be civil with. For now. I want to burn Zaakilo alive. We're walking a few steps behind him so I settle for glaring at his back. I try to keep my voice even and calm as I pose my argument to Vincent. He's always been Lilianna's favorite "uncle". Surely he can see this is not the way for her to ascend. "Galen's rule is far from perfect but he's never had to restart reality multiple times. He's never killed his [i]wife[/i]." I practically spit the word at Zaakilo's back like the word and not my comments are the insult. " And his friends in the process. He's never abused his child with unspeakable pain and sleep by force to prove a point. So forgive me, but this seems less like it's for the good of reality and more like it's for pride's sake. Sounds to me like you all would rather a child rule than your rival. Envy is unbecoming and I fail to see the logic of a man who has ruined the universe thousands of times over." I brush an imaginary piece of lint from my skirts to avoid setting Zaakilo on fire with my eyes. I pitch my voice for Sin to hear, "I will do my duty to reality." I add softly, "Even if that means we're on opposite sides of the battle line."