[color=ed145b]"Paps taugh' us not tuh kills peoples-- Purdy much."[/color] Ventured Lily; her eyes engrossed and her ears forward watching Evan performing his "nightly ritual." "[color=f7941d]Only ifn' 'ere aint no odder way-- er fer insuff'rble assholes as wont learn."[/color] chimed Rose, her gaze fixing in the same location half a second after her sister. [color=ed145b]"Same thang-- realleh.."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Mmm..Hmm.."[/color] The two just stared, ears forward, -- very attentive. [color=ed145b]('dya thank he gunna take i' all off?')[/color] [color=f7941d]('Onleh one way tuh fin' out---')[/color] (chuckle)