[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230615/542933ed15f0b02176aa41c75152210a.png[/img][/center] Either Fuka was off her game or her comrades were simply faster than her, and she hadn't yet decided which was preferable for her pride. She had managed to knock the arm off one of the little flyweight bastards but had yet to actually splatter a cockpit, and what fun was piecemealing a mech if you didn't get the kill? Disabling the enemy was necessary but not as enjoyable as getting the final tap, the veggies before the proverbial desert. Fuka grumbled to herself in consternation, fingers tapping against the joystick as Sulser crowed about his achievement. She had been hoping for more from her first foray into piloting for hire, and her flighty nature made it hard to remember that she existed more for drawing attention than for snagging kills. [color=Cadetblue]"He just said to regroup,"[/color] Fuka stated simply, shuffling the Dragon towards their commanding officer. [color=Cadetblue]"So probably do that."[/color] So far everyone was still alive, but there had been a few good knocks. Unfortunately, those hit included herself and Jaromir, two of the more experienced pilots, as opposed to someone less valuable like Alvin or the babbling rookie. Hopefully, the local yokels didn't have too much more in the tank, or were willing to be less discerning in their target selection. [color=Cadetblue]"Let me pull up front once we get going. The Dragon can get battered a bit more before I have to worry."[/color]