Jazdia was quite surprised several people in this group bothered to answer the question with such earnest manners. She thought they would scoff or at the very least joke about it like hardened mercenaries would. The lack of callousness didn't bother her, but it was still an amusing sight to see. Returning to Veronica to address her plan B, Jazdia made it very clear that she did not share her optimism. "If Stritzel managed to escape with [i]that[/i] bear and hide inside the tunnels-- that God knows how extensive it may be, I would not involve myself in that pursuit. It's not about finding Stritzel, it's how to reach her that matters. It would take days, perhaps a full week. And if my calendar is correct, Fredricus would declare [b]war[/b] tomorrow." Jazdia strode toward the carriage to fetch her bedroll, letting words of war and declaration linger so everyone knew their priority. She was perfectly aware of how cold her sentence was, and It would probably hurt the twins. But if they choose to tag along, they should know that reality and sympathy don't always go hand in hand. "Looking at the map, what Veronica and Thernous proposed seemed sound and I would plan it similarly. But my plan would focus more on speed. For that, I am willing to bet on the chance that even if Stritzel and Jonas are expecting us, our intention to rescue Cedar is something outside of their calculation. And for that, they will see us as enforcers, hell-bent on arresting or taking them down on Fredricus's behalf. Such posturing would draw them out, giving off the illusion that retreating and hiding into the tunnel is no longer an option. They will need all hands on deck to destroy us, because if they let us live and control the manor, it would be a matter of time until more reinforcement arrives to overrun the compound and likely their underground complex as well. There is a reason why they need all of that effort to hide themselves, and if killing us means they could extend their subterfuge for months or more, they would take the bait." After tossing her bedroll aside, Jazdia moved back to the map and pointed at the outer courtyard. "We will make this area our battlefield. when the battle raged, the second team would infiltrate from the side. Whether it will be from the west or the east, would depend on where the entrance to their basement is located, I will update the situation periodically. Jazdia placed a bronze polished trinket on top of the map and eyed Veronica, Yvonne, and Solomon alternately. "Stritzel had seen my face, and assuming we agree on this plan, I will nominate myself in the group that initiates the chaos. The rest is up to you to discuss." Lowered herself to pick her bedroll again, Jazdia then warned. "Remember, the real countdown will begin soon. We might only have one chance, and if it fails, we move on with our schedule. Any question?"