[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BjtZNtv.png[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]Location[/color]: North of the crossroads, 6 km from Stritzel's Estate, Western Kindeance. [hr] Veronica could admit to genuine surprise at the question Evan abruptly proposed to the group while performing his nightly rituals; there was a certain dissonace with how casually it was asked despite the content of it. Brows rising, Veronica eyed the group in turn, as several answered the strange question. Their opinions seemed to run the majority of stances, as much indifference present as disgust with even a bit of enjoyment in the mix. Considering her own stance on that matter, something she had thought about at length in the past, Veronica's lips pursed tightly, but she slipped on a casual smile a moment later. [color=ed1c24]"A strangely heavy question, but as you can see, the answer is quite subjective. Every person assigns their own meaning to the taking of life; it's nearly impossible to understand what it will be like until you do."[/color] Tilting her head, the pale woman crossed her arms. She considered holding back her own stance but finally shrugged her shoulders. [color=ed1c24]"These days, I can't say killing bothers me. I could concoct situations in which I consider it distasteful, of course, but as a fundamental concept, you could say I see no difference between killing a human and killing a rat. If they are an obstacle or a target, that's just how it is. I'd be a poor assassin to allow myself to be burdened by guilt for doing my job."[/color] Of course, she was aware this was far from a "normal" perspective on death, and she'd even tried to change her stance in the past. But it was futile. This was part of the curse of being a vampire; anyone that wasn't a vampire was, at best... a [i]pet[/i]. That was the kind of emotional attachment she was limited to. A vampire instinctively considered anyone else prey and lesser, no matter how much they might be ignorant of the fact or try to lie to themselves otherwise. Of course, she could grow attached to people, care about them, love them... but that only went so far. For a human, a beloved pet was something you could cherish, that you would cry over, but rare is the pet you might truly equate equal value to as another human. You do not expect your pets to outlive you, and so your love is limited further, if only to lighten the burden you must carry once they are gone. You love and spoil them while they remain, but you cannot help but always remember somewhere that your time together is limited. The only way to go further... was to find someone to [i]turn[/i], to make one of your own, another vampire... and true family. Veronica did not say any of that, however. It was enough to justify her callousness as that of extensive assassin training; that was something explainable, distasteful yet understandable. She doubted anyone would be enthused to realize the only one here she equated more emotional connection to than a beloved pet was Solomon, and only because his lack of blood meant her bloodthirst wasn't even subconsciously attracted to him. If anyone was aware of the reasoning behind her answer, regardless, she'd expect it to be Solomon, but she doubted it concerned him. Shaking her mind from that track of thought, Veronica nodded at Yvonne's words. [color=ed1c24]"Yes, in light of the unnerving similarities in the barrier over the complex, I am expecting at least one mage of significant skill to be present. If not Jonas Delving, then whoever was responsible for capturing Cedar in the first place."[/color] Listening to Jadia's proposed adjustments, she did her best to simulate the proposed series of events in her mind, before slowly nodding. "So, what you're saying is for the the outside team to attack first instead, draw out Jonas and Stritzel into open combat and then have the seconf team infiltrate and close ranks behind them after they are already drawn out and there's no risk of them counter-flanking us?" Glancing at the map as well, Veronica frowned. [color=ed1c24]"Normally, I would advise against making a plan that counts on the enemy's emotions to succeed, but Jonas and Stritzel's reputations are such that they make an exception."[/color] She nodded again. [color=ed1c24]"I wouldn't have suggested such a strategy myself, but I don't disagree with your assessment."[/color] She inclined her chin in acknowledgement of Jazdia nominating herself for the initiator assault team. [color=ed1c24]"I have no particular objections; this plan will suffice. for my part, I shall naturally go with the infiltration team. I've done so before, and I can lead them directly to the basement entrance."[/color] Reaching down, she scooped up her backpack and slid one strap over her left shoulder. Glancing to Solomon, she nodded. [color=ed1c24]"Unless you have any objections, I'll be posting myself atop the hill over there,"[/color] she said, pointing at the spot Jazdia had parked herself prior to wait for the recon team's arrival. [color=ed1c24]"I'll periodically change positions throughout the night, I think, but I'll be sure to stay near enough to reach the campsite in moments if something untoward occurs."[/color]