[i][/i][center][h1]Patagonia, Chile[/h1] [b][h3]Fireteam Condor[/h3][/b] [h3] [color=ec008c]Interpreter Chaos at your Service[/color] [/h3][/center] [hr] Samantha chuckled at her large teammate as she took on a teasing tone. [color=ec008c]“Now Frigga, we are friends. I have nothing but love for you. Just because I could give you a bad time doesn’t mean I would.” [/color]Frigga was talking to her as she worked her way out of the suit. [color=ec008c]“Well I didn’t plan to leave it behind. All we need to do is cut the tether to the second vehicle and it will be pulled along the vehicle like a child’s helium balloon. And that is if we have to move fast.I wasn’t sure if our fearless leader had plans to blow up the observatory. Our leader plays things close to the chest sometimes.”[/color] She shrugged as she finished helping Frigga out of the suit. She nodded in acceptance of Freya’s thanks as she had handed her throwing axes back. [color=ec008c]“I don’t like to leave gear behind either. If you need help modifying them, let me know. I am happy to lend my skills to a fun project.”[/color] Chaos nodded and led the way towards the entrance to the observatory. They arrived at the entrance after Skye had already cleared the entryway. The boss was not wasting any time. She raised an eyebrow as she looked around. She had been on ops with Queen before. She seemed scarily focused and in a hurry on this op. She shrugged as she had to trust her leader. Samantha waited for Queen to tell her exactly what she wanted and moved up to join the red headed hellion wreaking havoc as she led the team deeper into the observatory. [color=ec008c]“Roger that Queen, I will stay on your six.”[/color] Chaos moved in sync with Queen as they cleared corners and moved deeper into the observatory. Chaos moved in smooth motion, with her knees slightly bent. It looked awkward but was proven to provide a smooth but stable motion to support firing from a larger carbine on the move. There was a saying that went with it that ‘slow was smooth and smooth was fast’. Chaos made it look easy, graceful, and fast. She kept pace with Skye and while she could barely hear Freya she could feel her presence bringing up the rear. They had reached the observatory door and Skye shared there were a few people inside. Samantha kept her response short, [color=ec008c]“Acknowledged.” [/color]Skye pushed the door open and the space was dominated by a high powered high tech telescope. There were a series of computer workstations and worktables in alcoves built around the telescope. There were wrought iron stairs that led up to catwalks that were about 15 feet above the floor the telescope was on. The space read library meets a high tech mad scientist laboratory. Samantha nodded and moved into action. She used her silenced carbine for the first time on this op. She was testing a new bullet design that would act as a taser to incapacitate the target as the ampule of knock out gas put them to sleep. Samantha grinned as they worked perfectly. She had another new toy for stealth ops that would be useful for bringing back prisoners. Samantha moved up the stairs for a better angle so she could see the whole room. She took out another guard that had been stationed on the walkway. She brought her rifle around and scanned the rest of the catwalk. The rest of the guards were already down. She looked down and scanned all the alcoves from above. She pegged another two people who looked like scientific types. They were engrossed in whatever they had been working on. Their bodies slumped over the computer terminals they had been working on. [color=ec008c]“Room is clear. On my way back down.” [/color] She listened to Queen as she quickly raced back down the stairs. [color=ec008c]“It makes sense for more of them to be awake at night. Night time is when observatories are useful. The research staff is probably full at night. While maintenance staff is active during the day. So far we are keeping it under the radar. It is only a matter of time before they start noticing people not checking in though.”[/color] Samantha followed the ping and noted the sign on the door that read the control room. Samantha followed Skye into the room and covered the technicians as Skye took out the guard. Skye was yelling at the guards to freeze. Chaos called out [color=ec008c]“Freeze” [/color] in a few different languages starting with French and Spanish. The technicians were clearly frightened and had complied. It was obvious though that they knew they were not working for upstanding citizens. They didn't seem to be that shocked to have guns in their faces. Samantha paid attention as the man started talking. She kept her gun trained on the one that had not responded to Skye’s question. She paid attention to what they were saying. [color=fff200]"It's not possible. Please, I beg! It's coded in a quantum-encrypted key for removals from the base station, there's no way, no way! We're just making sure it stays in orbit, and sending data....don't shoot, please!" [/color] Samantha motioned for Frigga to cover the second technician. Samantha pushed him and his chair away from his station, the man’s hands still in the air. She Pulled out a cord and connected her laptop to the man’s computer station. He hadn’t locked it yet. She pulled another chair over and sat down and began to download all the data they had been working on sending. She didn’t have to hack anything; the terminal was still unlocked. She began countering and silencing any silence alarms that they might have triggered. She didn’t have a way to shut down their coms from here. She was a little surprised that Skye wanted them to crash the satellite. Samantha set the download going and turned to Skye. [color=ec008c]“He is right. The satellite was put into orbit with a vehicle assist. It is not designed to survive re-entry, however, the satellite does have adjustment thrusters to keep it in a synchronous orbit. Use the thrusters to slow it down and compute the angle to put it where she wants it.”[/color] Samantha had turned to the two protesting technicians. It took another threat from Skye and an up close and personal look at her gun and harsh face before they gave in and started working on doing as she asked. While Skye was giving orders to others she turned her attention to the man whose station she co-opted. [color=ec008c]“Who is she? What is the name of the person you work for?”[/color] She hoped in their shock they would simply answer since they were already frightened. It couldn’t hurt to have more information. She waited for an answer, but she was soon distracted by Skye giving more orders. [color=ec008c]“Roger that Queen. I am on it.”[/color] She turned to her task at the station. This station didn’t have access to the anti-air systems. She began to hack her past layers of security. It is much easier to do from an already unlocked terminal. She just needed to convince the system software that she had access and authorization. Samantha listened as Queen gave additional orders. [color=6ecff6]"Hawk, this is Queen, we're going to need support within ten minutes. Prep the VTOL for fire support, and I'm going to fire a GPS marker for where we might need some transportation once we're outside."[/color] Samantha perked up a that. [color=ec008c]“Queen we can use their transportation for exfil and on the way out I can sabotage the remaining rigs. It will prevent them from following us on the ground. It won’t stop the incoming air support though.” [/color] [center][h2] [color=8dc73f]Boomer and Duke[/color] [/h2][/center] [center][h2]Isla Langosta / Lobster Island, Colombia[/h2][/center] [center][h2]Fireteam Piranha[/h2][/center] [hr] Boomer baited the big guy with the flamethrower until he began moving towards him and right into a kill box for Tahlia. He chuckled as he noted her energetic and enthusiastic response as the man was turned into a fuel propelled grenade. He flew back into one of the side buildings and exploded causing massive secondary explosions in the building. His guess was it was one of the drug labs that handled flammable chemicals. [color=8dc73f]“Taniwah are you trying to get my job! It is my job to make things go boom!”[/color] Chuck couldn’t help teasing his teammate a little. Taniwah gave him a tactical update as he noted that the guards around him were all down and those he could see were pulling back. They had taken out two exos and the one heavy so far. He expected to run into more exos when he went in after Spectre. He wasn’t leaving without finishing this mission. [color=8dc73f]“Acknowledged Taniwah, helos inbound. Exos in with Spectre. Be advised, I am making my run on the building Spectre is in now.”[/color] Chuck focused on what he needed to do. He whistled for Duke and began to charge towards the building Spectre was in. If he was Spectre’s security he would try to exfil the man away from the heavy fighting. Chuck grinned as he triggered the detonators on the explosives he had planted along the backside of the facility earlier in the day. A chain of explosions began to light up the back of the compound making it feel like they were at ground zero for a war. Well it was a war. Raven versus dirtbag drug runner and smuggler. Chuck and his team were merely the instrument for this battle. Chuck hoped the explosions taking out the rear wall of the compound would have Spectre’s security scrambling for where to take him next. He just ran through the door and kept Lucille spinning as he annihilated whatever was in his way as he charged down the corridor like a linebacker. He spun Lucille on the chain the weapon crushing everything it came into contact with. He saw two more exos ahead. They opened up firing at him with heavy caliber guns. He began to dodge and weave as those might be able to punch through his armor. He rounded a corner and dropped into a control skid as an RPG flew over his head. He barely saw it in time. He let of go Lucille knowing that the chain wrapped around his wrist would reclaim the weapon. He pulled his rifle back up and began to pick targets with care. He managed to take out one of the exo operators with a headshot. The other missed the operator but hit a hydraulic line. Chuck aimed for the person who had launched the RPG at him and nailed the man in the chest. Chuck closed with the other exosuit operator. The exo was struggling due to the hydraulic leak but there was nothing wrong with the man’s aim as Chuck took a bullet to the shoulder. It didn’t manage to penetrate all the way through his armor but he felt that. He roared and shot the man in the face. The hallway was suddenly quiet as all his enemies were dead or dying around him. The bullets had stopped. He ran towards the steel safety room door. He put Lucille away and pulled out his explosives kit. He quickly set up a shaped charge designed to take out the doors hinges and lock mechanism. This was surgical explosive work. [color=8dc73f]“Boomer is ready to dig our cockroach out of his hole. Fire in the hole!”[/color] He once more moved to one way away from the explosion and pulled Duke in front of him shielding him with his armor and body. He was glad that Samantha had thought about ear protection for his pal. He hit the button in his head to set off the explosives on the door. A series of four pops were heard as they went off in sequence. Boomer released Duke. He changed the magazine out on his close quarters carbine. He was going to try the new ammo Samantha had given him that was supposed to knock out the enemy. He wanted Spectre alive for questioning. He slapped the magazine home. He racked a bullet home and then kicked the door in. His heavy armored boot caught the door with enough force to make it fly backwards with a heavy boom catching a guard that had been standing behind the door with a crushing blow. The door landed on top of him as Boomer rushed in. He fired at the remaining 4 guards in the room. They had been shooting at him but they were using pistols. He managed to nail everyone. Spectre was screaming at his guards to do something when Chuck’s bullet made the man freeze up and then slump to the ground. Suddenly it was quiet again. [color=8dc73f]“Duke search.”[/color] Chuck asked Duke to search. He waited patiently as Duke sniffed around the men. He walked over when Duke indicated he had found something. He pulled a variety of grenades off the men and then one man had a pouch of neon colored pills. He slid those into a compartment of his armor. He took a case of ampule vials from one of the guards. He put the vials into the saddlebags on Duke’s armor. Chuck then scooped up the man identified as Spectre. He threw the man over his shoulders after cuffing him with zip ties. He motioned for Duke to follow. He had Spectre but he knew the enemy would try like hell to retrieve the man. He began to move as quickly as he could back towards the pier. [color=8dc73f]“Boomer and Duke have the pest. We are on the way back to RV.”[/color] He left the building and could hear gunfire and explosions in the distance. He hoped that they were on his side as he began to make his way out the way he had come as fast as possible.