"Thunderbolt would be nice, but i'm more interested in Thrash." Rasca smiled deviously at her Nidoran, already cooking up the many trainers that could be crushed under his mighty move. He would be hard to control afterwards, but the end result had to be worth the trouble. [i]'Though to actually get to that point..it will take so long to get there.'[/i] "Hah, did you see his face? Dang, talk about brooding, silent type." She chuckled and worked her arms a bit. It made her seem restless, and even if she wasn't it was fun to show off what little muscles she did have in her arms. Plus it could help with her Nidoran's image of Rasca's power. She doubted it though. Looking at Leon's pokemon, she nodded a bit at how it finally jumped to the ground. [i]'At least there isn't a chance of the pokemon being arm-ridden now.'[/i] This, in turn, gave her another brilliant idea with her own Nidoran. Truth be told, it was probably best to save it for later. "Well then Superior, I guess you'll have to trust me for now. We probably won't hit a gym for quite some time." Listening carefully to the rest of Leon's words of wisdom, she waited for a good moment to speak to her pokemon. This time whispered, as if Superior was being told a grand secret. "I'll make a deal with you though, if you manage to stick with us, i promise to tell you where Leon keeps his special snacks in his pack. But you must remember to report back to me afterwards, especially since this could be a stealth mission." Winking at him, but still being totally serious, she picked up her pace a bit. Focusing her attention on Leon, she tried to ask him an obvious question. "Where should we take them first? They look fine now, and a the rest of the people that live here shouldn't be bothered by it. Unless you wanna head back...?" She was speaking of going ahead to the path again, as if Rasca wanted to rush everyone out of the city. It might not be fair to either of the pokemon, or help them to begin, but it seemed like a good idea for strength showing.