I stood frozen between the two treasures, mezmerised by each for their own aspects. It was something like a trace because I couldn't pull my eyes away. I was dimly aware of a squirming sensation from the snake tattoo I had aquired back in the temple but it seemed distant and unimportant at the present moment. That I have a weakness for jewels I will not deny and to find two in such an odd arangment in the middle of a jungle was positively thrilling. I reached out my hand, hearing the jungle go quiet all around me as though holding its breath. I leaned forward and lifted the glowing diamond from the statue. It was heavier than I thought and the sound of the silver chain on the stone idol was as loud as a violin bow in the dark. There was a sudden hissing sound as the second idol began to disolve, folding in on itself and sinking down into the forest floor. I stood amazed as it faded away, like a stain being rinsed from fine linen. The last thing to go was the red and black stone glaring malevolently at me like an eye benath the ground before finally vanishing beneath the leaf mould. "Emmaline?" Beren called behind me and I turned suddenly to face him, the glittering jewel hanging from the chain in my fist. "Uhhh..." I replied uncertainly.