[color=ed145b]"Gimmie muh bug back Rosie.."[/color] drawled Lily. She and her sister had stopped staring at Evan when he ceased his evening wash ritual, disappointed that the pants never came off. Now their attention was drawn toward the group assignments. [color=f7941d]"Uh.. ok lil.."[/color] came the confused response, as she fumbled with it off her arm, then handed it back. "What ya gunna?.." [color=ed145b]"Evr'eh buddeh else got a thingm'abob tuh shows emselves on at little slab o' hide 'cepts us. Uh's gunna fix 'at." [/color]She said rather determinedly, as she slipped it back over her head. The odd bubble formed around her again almost immediately. [color=f7941d]"Don' hurt ya'self lil... we gots tuh has all we gots fer dis.."[/color] [color=ed145b]"Dun' remin' meh.."[/color] Lily scrabbled in the moonlight, selecting two different stones to work with, then unfolded her tool roll, and quickly set to work. Rose could see magic being subtly employed as the rocks got scratched, scraped, chiselled and shaped rather hastily into two more-or-less bear shaped figurines making obscene gestures, as the bubble finally collapsed. Rose couldnt help but chuckle. [color=f7941d]"Why don' we tells em how we realleh feels, hmm?"[/color] She askeed her sister cheekily. [color=ed145b]"Dun think they coulds handles it!"[/color] She joked back. [color=ed145b]"Dis'll has tuh do." [/color] She once more removed the pendant and handed it back to her sister. [color=ed145b]"Gunna has ta figure out hows tuh fill dis darn thang now Rosie, its run ou'."[/color] Rose took it and wrapped it back around her arm and rolled her eyes as her sister scampered up to the knot of people by the map, and dropped the two offensive tokens in the sneaking infiltration team. [color=ed145b]"At bitch aint gittin' away!"[/color] She barked, then sauntered back to her spot again. [color=f7941d]"Hope ya know what ya doin'.."[/color] [color=ed145b]"Oh, uh does Rosie, She goin DAOWN."[/color]