Hi, hi! Here we go. I tried going for a villain-turned-vigilante who retained her lack of morals to maybe give some conflict especially since she's on the older end of the characters. I'm not sure if I went too overboard with the backstory or if I need to expound on it more. [hider=Sam Blythe | Araltus] [center][color=red][h2]All right, let’s take it from the top, one more time…[/h2][/color] [color=0076a3][b]What’s your name?[/b] Samantha Blythe. Or Sam... or Sammy. I don't care either way. The other "me" is called Araltus. [b]How old are you?[/b] Fresh into 24... yay. [b]What do you look like?[/b] [hider=Looks] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1d/03/5a/1d035ab9888b6dd1ad666df0c5240162.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Costume] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/00/12/af/0012afe79b6f4b70e166fb40d3ee9703.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]What's your story? What was it like before and after becoming a Spider-Totem?[/b] Let's see here... I don't think there was anything particularly alarming or interesting during my childhood days. I mean, I was your typical kid. I got into a couple of fights, a bit of roughhousing, and might have gotten on the other side of the law every now and then but that's just typical kid stuff, right? Typical delinquent kid stuff, I guess. I'm not saying my parents were particularly abusive, just... absent if you will. They bailed me out when it counted, and went to PT meetings at school when they could but when we got home, they just shrugged it off as me acting out a bit, gave me a few stern words, and maybe a day or two of doing all the chores in the house, then let me go about my life again. I was a teenager leading a relatively normal life. I was, up until I had gotten involved with one Mikhail Moronov. Now let me tell you this guy was no joke. I met him through one of my part-time jobs as an assistant in an underground fighting ring and he noticed that I had a particular skill set he wanted to cultivate. Something about lacking the fear of consequences or... well, actually just lacking fear overall. He offered me a job I could not refuse. Literally. Like, if I refused, I don't think I would still be here. Anyway, Moronov put me into training which constituted having to learn... various questionable things. I think my parents believe me to have died which is probably Moronov's doing. Now, you might be asking me, what kind of work did Mikhail Mornov put me on? I think it's best for both of us that you don't know. Either way, that all came to a close shortly after I was bitten by this weird, anomalous spider. Our little base of operations was raided by one of the rival groups and I had personally seen Mikhail Moronov killed. I was freed from my contract with this devil of a man and I escaped the base as quickly as possible. However, the only thing I wished that could have been different was that I hadn't stayed to watch my former boss die as this had caused me to be too late to save a partner of mine— Gabriel. Secret life aside, I had since moved on to take on a job as a freelance writer. However, these new powers were... interesting and I always had an itch to do something more physical. And so, I became a vigilante. We're going on a solid four years now. I wasn't exactly planning to be all that present. After all, there were already a couple of Spider-Folk swinging around and saving the day. But, some big asshole that we all know came knocking at one of my favorite hole-in-the-wall ramen shops... or well, more accurately, one of his lackeys. See, Kingpin needed space for his brand-new operation and he was going to buy or kill anyone who didn't want to hand over their land. Well, I couldn't stand by and let that happen to my favorite food shop, right? So... yeah, I killed a couple of lackeys and Kingpin has had a dart on the picture of my mask ever since. But hey, I was more than happy to be a pain in the ass for him and we've been on each other's throats since. He has roots and informants everywhere you look. Too bad Fisk is looking for a ghost who barely has a legal document to her name, yeah? Psh, reminds me of the asshole he sicked after my ass. Electro. I almost felt my heart stop, literally, when I had first fought him because, yeah, getting thousands of volts of electricity into you was [i]not[/i] healthy. But electricity isn't all that's cracked up to be and a bit of water and a bit of rubber was all it took to fully short-circuit him. I wanted to knock his head into a nearby wall but police were already swarming around him. Lucky man. Partnered up with Arachnid a year or something back to take down Fisk— apparently, he had kidnapped and killed Otto's girlfriend to taunt him or break him. But that just ended up making a worse version of the guy. But hey, if there's anything I can thank Fisk for, it's somehow being the butterfly effect reason for me getting my cool webshooters so thanks Fisk and go fuck yourself. [b]Powers and Tech[/b] Araltus: I observed super strength, an increase in agility, speed and durability, regeneration, and being able to stick to walls ever since I had been bitten by that spider. I also obtained this so called "spider senses" that allowed me to percieve if there is any danger around me. Shade: Now as to why I was called Shade was due to this ability I have where I can essentially "enter" a shadow and traverse through it undetected. We call it [b]shadow walking[/b], one of the gifts that had been bestowed by making a deal with the devil known as Mikhail Moronov. Equipment: Mainly, I use two shock batons modified to be able to produce higher voltages than normal to be able to help take down more powerful enemies. But I'm no stranger to using sharper weaponry or guns if need be. Alas, I don't have access to Moronov's personal armory anymore. I also have two grappling hooks that act as my own "webs" but, unfortunately, are limited in both length and the fact that I can't leave them behind and have to wait for it to reel in to use it again. The technology used in this grappling hook wherein there's no physical evidence left to wherever it sticks to is apparently alien in nature but I'm not sure what from. Otto gave me my own webshooters that use the same web-fluid that he made. I usually swing by the lab after a couple of runs to get some web-fluid or have him look at it for repairs. I still have my grappling hooks just in case I lose web-fluid on the field. [b]Do you believe in aliens?[/b] Yeah. What? Did you think [i]we[/i] made these stuff? 'Course not! [b]What are your goals for the future?[/b] Earn more, and get some more positive reviews as a freelance writer so I can get more jobs. Maybe I can get better pay too. Ha! Maybe I can also start writing original books to get published. [b]You lived in New York for a while now, right? What do you think of the city?[/b] It's crowded and noisy but it's home. [b]How much technology do you use on a daily basis?[/b] Not as much as I had before, that's for sure, but when [i]aren't[/i] we using some form of technology? [b]What do you like?[/b] I like writing a lot. From what I can remember, my parents always told me I was creative. I did like training and I still regularly go to the gym or fighting rings, but I have to hold back nowadays and it's a bit of a shame. Thanks to Moronov, I've become quite good at most types of conventional weaponry and martial arts. I still sometimes go to shooting ranges to see if I still got it. I do. I've come to start keeping little plants around my small apartment. I like smoking, or rather it's a bad habit I've picked up. Wonderful, isn't it? [b]What do you dislike?[/b] I suppose I heavily dislike having to work under people. I finally got out of the deal with the devil and I won't easily go back. I hate staying idle for too long. Maybe it just got drilled into me. I don't want to lose anyone close to me ever again— so I try to keep people at arm's length. I hate being [i]known[/i]. I prefer being able to work and help from the dark instead of having my mask blown on newspapers. No one listens to the boundaries of vigilantes, unfortunately. I know the people who had ended my group and they know I am alive. I doubt they have given up on making sure the Court has been completely wiped but they've kept quiet so far. I expect the day they decide it's time to go after [i]me[/i]. [b]Do you think true evil exists?[/b] No. Not really. Unless there's an actual avatar of evil out there. There probably is honestly. [b]What’s your favorite color?[/b] A midnight blue. 0076a3 [b]Favorite song?[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKX-x62Qdzc]"Villain" by Stella Jang[/url] [b]Anything else to add?[/b] In the years I've worked under Moronov, I've been to many places around the world. But maybe you don't want to know what I've been doing out there. I was born without the ability to feel fear. The group I was involved in was called [i]The Crimson Court[/i] but our identities during that time were also changed. We both existed and did not exist during this time. [b]What are your thoughts on these people?[/b] Bernard Blythe - My father. I don't remember much about him aside from the fact that he likes coffee and newspapers. I haven't checked in on him ever since my release. Laura Blythe - My mother. She was much kinder but still overall absent. She's taught me how to be polite and what to touch and not touch, do or not do, because, without the ability of fear, I was an unruly child. I haven't checked in on her ever since my release. Mikhail Moronov - My mentor, my boss, and the man who reformed my life. I am... unsure of what exactly he is— we called him a devil, but he called himself human. I both despised and admired him but he made sure that we were well-compensated and overall comfortable so long as we did our job. When he died, I did grieve him for an extremely short amount of time. Gabriel De Luna - My partner in crime, brother in arms. Smoke, his codename was. He and I were closer than most of the other members of the Court. Unfortunately, he would not escape the slaughter of the Court. [color=E137E3]Caty Davis | Spider-Woman - Despite our... past encounter, we can work together pretty decently nowadays. She's gotten a hold on her temper since our last encounter so it's fun to watch her and the other kids grow.[/color] [color=white]Otto Octavius | Arachnid - Mister Genius himself! He supplies me with my webshooters and some extra equipment when need be. Now he's the guy I usually team up with because he has some personal business to settle with Fisk. I feel like I should watch over him carefully. I don't care if he goes around killing like I do, it's just that he has to make sure his vengeance doesn't blind him enough to not see a bullet to his head. [/color] Other Spider-Folk - It's like the Crimson Court but like... on the other side of the spectrum of masked, mysterious supers. But at least no one's keeping anyone in check. THat's what makes it a little fun, eh? [/color][/center] [/hider]