[center][h2][b][u]The Shaman (somehow) continues on![/u][/b][/h2][/center] The thing finally falls. A giant bullet hole being one of many things that finally fells it. A blast of Micheal's magic helping it along. And finally it falls. And it's then that Mikey takes a step back out of the rune circles he made, steps back slowly a few times then flops to his rear with a thump. Magical smoke hazing up off the angry red and yellow magic burn on his arm. He sits and hisses and looks around, "Why do we keep encountering these things?" He asks, not really expecting an answer. Getting to his feet he makes his way over to the car, "Well it'd be worse if Bossbot was the one driving, but I think once we get back to HQ she can looked at. We need a proper rest period. Tune up for Boss Bot, and maybe some medical attention? Eh? Anyone?" He flops back and looks around, "Where the..." He peeks under the seat then pulls down the middle of the back seat and again there are his diefic friends, sitting, yes sitting, in the trunk, around a power table, the dealer being a hippo-headed being in gold and ebony clothing. Micheal closes the middle hatch and sighs, "I'm not sure how an Egyptian goddess got here...I'm not going to ask." He fishes out some emergency medical stuff and reapplies the poultice from before as best he can. He rubs his arm, then looks to Scarlet, "How you doing Red? Need anything?" He holds up the medkit curiously, shaking it back and forth abit, "Pain killer? Bandage? Polysporin? I don't got much." He looks over at Faye, "How about you Faye?"