[center][h1][color=662d91]Alterance[/color]:[color=ed1c24]Exclusion[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [color=ed1c24][b]TRIGGER WARNING: This roleplay will contain Body Horror, Suicide, Self-Harm, and General Death. Chances are very high that your character will die, sometimes at the hands of other players.[/b][/color] The Alterance Event occurred on June 13th, 2019. The event consisted of the Earth's core releasing an unknown type of radiation in hotspots around the world. Most of these hotspots are located in large cities, small towns, and a few wild areas. The radiation released in these hotspots mutated plants, animals, and even humans dramatically. Animals grew to more than twice their size, the radiation caused exponential plant growth, and the victims' DNA seemed to have fused with whatever animal they had last come into contact with, causing them to gain animalistic features. People who have fallen victim to radiation have come to be known as 'Alternates' and are doomed to be trapped in the Exclusion Zones or to be taken by various factions for study or other motives... The current year is 2028, nine years after the event occurred, and the United Nations (UN) has created barricades and perimeters around most of the hotspots called Exclusion Zones, or EZs. The EZs were created to contain the radiation (now called Kepler Radiation), creatures, and Alternates, so as to not pose an immediate danger to the rest of the world. Those who enter the Exclusion Zones are known as Outsiders, their loyalty pledged to a faction, or running unchained by ideals or quotas as freelancers. One rule lies among their ranks, however… [b]Don’t stay too long, Don’t get too attached, and [i]never[/i] become one of them.[/b] [hider=Factions] The Alternative Retrieval and Scientific Team (or ARST) sends expeditions into Exclusion Zones periodically to study the effects of Kepler radiation and to make contact or collect Alternates to study their behavior. The Creed of Alternate Recognition (or CAR) sends photographers and supply runs to the Exclusion Zones to document what happened to the people left behind and attempt to support the Alternates with periodical deliveries of food and other essentials. On the darker side of the coin, there is a group of people known as ‘Genesis' that enter Exclusion Zones with the sole mission of eradicating all mutated life and selling the spoils, or keeping them as trophies. This group is the main reason Alternates have started hiding when attempting to make contact with them. Genesis is generally regarded as a group of fanatics. Kepler Labs was the first organization to discover the radiation that started the phenomenon, naming it after themselves. They are notorious for collecting Alternate samples in an attempt to 'fix' Alternates, though that has been deemed impossible in secret. The Stray Milita (or SM) is a small group of US Army Veterans that has begun collecting Alternates in an attempt to make a stronger military force against both internal and international enemies. The training of Alternates with this group is akin to torture, taking into account the toll that the radioactivity takes on an Alternate's body and mind with the changes. Alternate solders are highly volatile. This group acts as a mercenary syndicate. [/hider] [hider=Exclusion Zones] There are hundreds of Exclusion Zones peppering the world, governments internationally are in a constant state of paranoia that more would surface… Most keep them under wraps, though some have revealed their existence through heavily moderated mediums. Only a select few are open to outsiders, allowing for the study and possible exploitation of the anomaly. All Exclusion Zones are classified with FPCON Threat levels, based upon the information gathered about it and its inhabitants. Threat levels, in ascending order, are Normal, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. Normal is the least dangerous, while Delta is the most dangerous. FPCON Normal is rarely used in the context of the Exclusion Zones but is used for safe zones nearby EZs. Open to Outsiders: Wren - Greenville, Iowa, USA, FPCON Bravo Crow - Salem, Massachusetts, USA, FPCON Delta Osprey - Annapolis, Maryland, USA, FPCON Charlie Phoenix - Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada, FPCON Charlie [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet Templates] Outsider: [list] [*] Name [*] Alias (If applicable) [*] Age [*] Physical Appearance [*] Psychological Profile [*] Loyalty (Faction Name/Abbreviation or Freelancer) [*] Equipment (Within reason.) [*] History/Backstory [/list] Alternate: [list] [*] Name [*] Age [*] Exclusion Zone [*] Last Known Contact [*] Mutations (List animal fused) [*] Physical Appearance (Dont be afraid to be graphic, if that's your style) [*] Psychological Profile [*] Instinct Analysis (Non-Violent, Neutral, or Volatile) [*] History/Backstory [/list] [/hider]