[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/dubiel-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230308/7cee190f21ec5c75f3b23ce36b29b31e.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] Asahi leered at Ayana, Oros, whoever the heck the person he's talking supposed to be, as well as the small little group that formed around them. This was not what the pink-haired lad had in mind but in retrospect, he wouldn't be surprised they reacted this way when they saw his threads. Well, this would probably be the first time everyone saw his powers in their actual form. He used the side of his hand to cover his mouth when he yawned, getting himself tired already from hearing all their yapping. When they're done. he first turned to Hana.[color=#fbb6cb] "Gurl, not every issue can be resolved with fighting. We're all tired from the day and we will never know if a monster's going to attack us. We should preserve our strength as much as we can, yeah?"[/color] [color=#fbb6cb]"As for you lot."[/color] He turned his attention to the rest.[color=#fbb6cb] "My powers are simply not [i]just[/i] healing. I just want to take a look at this cult leader wannabe's depraved little mind and help Ayana take [i]her[/i] body back. It won't be a painful procedure but that depends on Oros' willingness to cooperate. However, after hearing everything they're saying, I don't think I don't want to be anywhere near their brain anymore. I don't want to get tainted by whatever this [i]person[/i] has."[/color] He said. [color=#fbb6cb]"And [i]you[/i]."[/color] Asahi looked straight at Oros and scuffed at their ridiculous taunting. [color=#fbb6cb]"Your rear must be jealous from all the crap spewing out of your mouth. As ditzy as she was, she is our classmate and we don't leave one of us behind. If it's a mere fight you're looking for, go look for someone else. I will not waste my precious energy with you when I can use it to heal my classmates."[/color] The pink threads retracted back to his fingertips and he massaged them in his palms. [color=#fbb6cb]"Besides, I don't need my powers to wipe the floor with you. You're piloting a body that easily falls down on its face whenever it steps over the tiniest pebble. If you're all queasy about me using my powers and saving our classmate, then I hope you're happy sharing camp with this lunatic."[/color] Asahi looked up to the night sky. [color=#fbb6cb]"It's getting late. Tell the peeps who want to be in the first night duty to get ready. I think I also saw someone ran off? I'm not really sure but let's all do a headcount before we turn it in. Oh, and Kogen?"[/color] Asahi called out to Kogen as he pointed a finger and out came a pink thread that extended until it stopped just a few inches away from Kogen's head. [color=#fbb6cb]"Please stop strangling our classmate or I will mess up your brain until it becomes mashed potato."[/color]