[quote=@Zweit] -snip- [/quote] There was [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/190126-using-ai-for-rp-visualization/ooc]this thread[/url], a while ago, if you wanna give that a look. Anyways, the only issue I have with AI art is that its fundamentally just tracing on crack. I don't vibe with it, and it has a habit of making shit look generic af, which is pretty awk in the hyper-stylized world of weebshit. And if it's not generic? It was probably trained on a specific artist's work, which is an even shittier thing to do. My bigger issue is with AI artists, especially the ones who go down the path of saying that AI art democratizes art. Fucking stupid first-world bullshit. You can get pencils and paper for free, and now you're saying that it's more democratic because you need access to the internet to do so? Ok, buddy. And then there's these types. [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/565191970738405379/1176026306643755048/7ul7p1bi0d1c1.png?ex=656d5ed9&is=655ae9d9&hm=2de0207d56264970c239690b9cd4b687e3614ec926dd82f4928f3eaead78974f&=&width=756&height=537[/img] That being said, I'm an anime RPer, so you [i]know[/i] I have no actual morals regarding theft and piracy. ... On the topic of education in general, ChatGPT exposes the general issue of schools failing to get kiddos interested in learning, while AI generation for 'creative' hijinks exposes the fact that a good amount of people lean towards the gratification of instant generation. Anyways, gonna have a good laugh if, a decade or two down the line, Prompt Engineering becomes a real major or trade.