[b][color=#a4161a]"Yvonne."[/color][/b] Said the mercenary back to the pale man. She had the travelling cloak on, but underneath she's dressed for war with her full set of equipment and the pale bardiche at hand. Not quite the most subtle weapon, but turned out the defense was even sloppier than she expected. What's the point of walls if there's no one to man it? This was beyond even skeleton crew, more like a single fingerbone crew. Three men with a sturdy tree limb as long as the wall was tall will bypass it within half a minute without anyone to stop them. [b][color=#a4161a]"Assault team get through the walls and start the killing as loud as we can, yeah? Simple enough."[/color][/b] Simple plan was the best plan. There's no need to overcomplicate stuff. And Yvonne knew exactly how to be loud.