[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BjtZNtv.png[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]Location[/color]: Western outer wall, Stritzel's Estate, Western Kindeance. [hr] The corner of her lips quirking upward, Veronica restrained a fond(?) sigh, as she returned to the rest of the group. [color=ed1c24][i]There goes Jazdia again, taking charge.[/i][/color] Veronica listened, as Jazdia swiftly "voluntold" a few people onto the infiltration team... several of whom had already voiced their intent to join it if she didn't misremember. Well, whatever. Veronica wouldn't have changed a thing as far as choices. She'd made a similar assessment prior of who to bring, but without knowing more about the group personally, she couldn't discern the nuances of the abilities enough to say any of the others would be better options. Given that Jazdia had probably "insisted" on reading the group's dossiers again, she was likely the most well-informed on what they were probably capable of. Veronica received the metal compass from Jazdia with a nod, flipping it open and chuckling at the words of warning. [color=ed1c24]"My thanks. I shall."[/color] Turning to Yvonne, the vampire received the potions with surprise and gratitude. [color=ed1c24]"These will make things much easier in the worst case. Thank you. Hopefully, we won't need them, and I'll be able to bring them back untouched."[/color] So saying, Veronica committed the concoctions' functions to memory and tucked the potion flasks into her backpack, letting out a chuckle of her own at Solomon's teasing commentary. [color=ed1c24]"Not to worry, Doctor Sparrow, I'd prefer to default to your expertise before using up such valuable commodities as these."[/color] Casting her gaze across those that had either elected or been directed to join the infiltration team, Veronica smiled and sent them a nod. [color=ed1c24]"If we're all ready? I'd like to go ahead and get a head-start before the other half of us start knocking on the doors."[/color] Turning on her heel, she jerked her head towards slightly more distant forestry. [color=ed1c24]"Let's move."[/color] [hr] The route Veronica traced was wide and circuitous initially, arcing firstly away from the estate's walls, before passing through the western forests for the majority of the following arc. In the dark, accompanied by those that might not be treated kindly by a breakneck pace, Veronica restrained herself to human levels, leading at something closer to a brisk jog than an all-out sprint. Despite knowing that there should be nothing and no-one out there to see them, Veronica couldn't help but remain tensed and expectant of trouble, her senses straining with every step to intake every scrap of information about her surroundings they could gather. Even with so many factors in her apparent favor, she couldn't help but be doubly and triply sure, going to all her usual lengths just on principle. Eventually, the group broke from the tree line, and Veronica led them directly towards the outer wall, before turning and making a straight run northwards to the northwest corner tower, keeping herself close to the wall and well out of easy sightlines in the infinitesimal chance someone happened to be above them. Upon reaching the northwest corner of the wall, Veronica finally came to a halt, reaching into her pack to retrieve a grapple hook attached to a length of sturdy rope. Glancing at the rest of the infiltration team, she asked quietly, [color=ed1c24]"How are you all with scaling walls?"[/color] Saying that, she glanced up the weathered stone structure, all 5 meters of its height, keen slitted eyes picking out little blemishes and indentations that she could have used to scale the structure barehanded if need be. In the interests of speed, however, the grapple hook would be her best option right now, especially since she didn't have to worry about the light clank of it catching hold of the parapet edge potentially being heard by a guard atop it.