Hey folks! I've been MIA from the forum, but guess who's making a comeback? 🎉 Reviving an old interest check—let the fun begin! 😄 [center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/4sGZfcs/163472852435960222-removebg-preview.png[/img] [h3][b]WHAT IF... THERE WERE YOUNG AVENGERS?[/b][/h3] [/center] [hr] [justify][i]"Long ago, there was a vast multiversal war. Countless unique timelines battled each other for supremacy, nearly resulting in the total destruction of, well, everything. But then, the all-knowing Time Keepers emerged, bringing peace by reorganizing the multiverse into a single timeline, the Sacred Timeline. Now the Time Keepers protect and preserve the proper flow of time for everyone and everything."[/i] That was before. Before two variants changed the complete flow of time. An uncontrolled explosion of new realities had formed. Endless possibilities of scenarios. I am The Watcher. I am your guide through these vast new realities. Follow me and dare to face the unknown, and ponder the question... What if? [hr] [/justify] [center][h3][b]The Roleplay[/b][/h3][/center] [justify][b]ABOUT:[/b] For this Roleplay, I would like to gather a party of 3 to 4 participants, each one playing with one character (if someone shows interest in playing with more than one character I am open to discussion). Characters should preferably be original, but it is possible to choose a canonical Marvel character that has not yet been shown on the MCU. If someone wants to play with any MCU character we can reach an agreement. In this case, this version of the character should have at least significant differences from the main universe of the films. I'd like the Roleplay to be as collaborative as possible and for me and potential players to define the storyline together, as I'm interested in roleplaying as well. Still, I will act as GM to set initial plots and guide the creation of the Young Avengers group. In addition, characters must be within a specific age range, as implied by the group's name. Even so, we may end up getting into more adult themes, such as violence and romance. Therefore, players must be over 18 years of age and characters must be 22 to 30 years old. [b]SCENARIO:[/b] As you may have already noticed, roleplay will develop in an alternative universe to the MCU. The story will begin shortly after the events of "Captain America: Civil War". In this reality, however, all the Avengers agreed to sign the Sokovia Accords and there was no disbanding of the team. The UN has a special committee to handle the initiative and decided that a branch of the Avengers should be dedicated to recruiting and training young people with superhuman abilities to prevent them from becoming future threats. Black Widow and Vision were tasked with locating and recruiting possible members of the "Metahuman Training Program". When creating your character sheet, be sure to dedicate yourself to the "Recruiting" section, in which you will describe how you were contacted by the program. We will start the roleplay on the arrival of members at the new program's headquarters. [/justify] [hr] [center][h3]IF YOU ARE REALLY INTERESTED[/h3][/center] [hr] [b]The adventure will be divided into chapters. The GM will always make the opening post of each chapter, presenting the general objective of the plot. Players are free to achieve the goal in whatever way they prefer. However, if any player deviates too much and ends up straying from the main goal, the GM will intervene.[/b] [justify][b]Rules:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Be kind:[/b] Being respectful with the GM and the other players is a must. If anything is making you uncomfortable, make yourself heard, but always remember that everyone is here to have fun. [*] [b]Don't overstep:[/b] If you think any action you are considering taking affects other characters, ask first. In the OOC area we can define the limits of what is acceptable for each case, but until then, don't anticipate reactions from other players or create situations that leave them without a way out. [*] [b]Don't be OP:[/b] Even though we're playing superheroes (or villains), it's good to have limitations. This is a team that will face threats from street to national level, so your character doesn't need to be able to face a cosmic threat. Also, no god-mode or metagaming. [*] [b]Be consistent:[/b] I'm not expecting you to be a literary genius (neither am I) or to write three posts a day, but I do hope that they are of considerable quality and that there is a certain periodicity. It is expected that each player makes at least 1 post a week. Of course, there will be weeks when that won't be possible, but talk to me and the other players and we'll sort it out. In case any player stays more than 10 days without posting or without notifying their absence, the GM will describe some action for their character that allows the continuation of the plot. Also, if any player disappears for more than 15 days, they will be considered suspended and if they stay for more than 30 days their character will become a permanent NPC. PS: I know everyone has a life outside of the RP world, and so do I. If for any reason you can't post for some period of time, just send me a message and we'll adjust everything. [/list] [center][h3]APPLICATIONS[/h3][/center] [hr] If you are interested in playing, you must make an application with a character sheet. Remember that this is a casual to low advanced RP, so be careful with your application sheet. Do not create an OP character as it will not be accepted. At first, 4 players will be accepted. Thus, the 4 players who first have an accepted CS will start the game. I might consider accepting new players in the near future, so you can already register your CS here. Also, if you want to play a character that has already appeared on the MCU, it's likely that your application will take longer to be accepted, so take that into account. [hider=CS Style] [center][h3][b]CHARACTER'S ALIAS[/b][/h3] (optional until the end of the first chapter) [img]https://via.placeholder.com/400x150[/img] [IRL FACE CLAIM IMAGE - required to have these dimensions and to be from a real person (if you need help with this contact me)] [b]Character's Name, Age[/b] (from 18 to 23) [/center] [indent][indent][b]Story:[/b] Describe your character's life before the time of his recruitment. Were they raised by their parents? How did they discover their powers/abilities? Was their childhood happy? Have they been trained by any other superheroes? Be creative and give us details that enrich your character. [b]Appearance:[/b] I know we will use a face claim, but don't be shy about describing your character's physical appearance. Maybe they have a specific trait that makes them stand out in the crowd. Or maybe they have some trait that their face claim doesn't. Also describe their personal style. How do they like to dress? Do they wear piercings or earrings? [b]Sexuality:[/b] Are they straight, gay, bisexual, etc? [b]Relationship Status[/b] Are they single, married, dating? [b]Likes (optional):[/b] [b]Dislikes (optional):[/b] [hr] [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] Describe your character's powers. Don't forget to describe the limitations of these powers as well.[list] [*] [b]Superhuman strenght:[/b] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer porta in erat maximus porttitor. Fusce sem nisi, molestie a nulla et, auctor elementum eros. [*] [b]Archery:[/b] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer porta in erat maximus porttitor. Fusce sem nisi, molestie a nulla et, auctor elementum eros. [/list] [hr] [b]Recruiting:[/b] Describe here how Black Widow or the Vision (perhaps both) contacted your character and recruited them into the training program. [b]Subplots:[/b] Describe at least two subplots you would like to develop with your character through this RP [hr] [center][img]https://via.placeholder.com/350x300[/img] Character gallery - a little collage of images that represent your character (optionl but if you decide to use it, must be 350x300)[/center] [/indent][/indent] [/hider] [hider=CS Code][code] [center][h3][b]CHARACTER'S ALIAS[/b][/h3] (optional until the end of the first chapter) [img]https://via.placeholder.com/400x150[/img] [IRL FACE CLAIM IMAGE - required to have these dimensions and to be from a real person (if you need help with this contact me)] [b]Character's Name, Age[/b] (from 18 to 23) [/center] [indent][indent][b]Story:[/b] Describe your character's life before the time of his recruitment. Were they raised by their parents? How did they discover their powers/abilities? Was their childhood happy? Have they been trained by any other superheroes? Be creative and give us details that enrich your character. [b]Appearance:[/b] I know we will use a face claim, but don't be shy about describing your character's physical appearance. Maybe they have a specific trait that makes them stand out in the crowd. Or maybe they have some trait that their face claim doesn't. Also describe their personal style. How do they like to dress? Do they wear piercings or earrings? [b]Sexuality:[/b] Are they straight, gay, bisexual, etc? [b]Relationship Status[/b] Are they single, married, dating? [b]Likes (optional):[/b] [b]Dislikes (optional):[/b] [hr] [b]Powers/Habilities:[/b] Describe your character's powers. Don't forget to describe the limitations of these powers as well.[list] [*] [b]Superhuman strenght:[/b] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer porta in erat maximus porttitor. Fusce sem nisi, molestie a nulla et, auctor elementum eros. [*] [b]Archery:[/b] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer porta in erat maximus porttitor. Fusce sem nisi, molestie a nulla et, auctor elementum eros. [/list] [hr] [b]Recruiting:[/b] Describe here how Black Widow or the Vision (perhaps both) contacted your character and recruited them into the training program. [b]Subplots:[/b] Describe at least two subplots you would like to develop with your character through this RP [hr] [center][img]https://via.placeholder.com/350x300[/img] Character gallery - a little collage of images that represent your character (optionl but if you decide to use it, must be 350x300)[/center] [/indent][/indent] [/code][/hider] [/justify]