[b] The First Lotus [/b] I want to slap Zaakilo. I want to chase him down and make him see. The words I would say bubble up. They die in my throat. Because now I understand. Unfortunately it took Vincent's sacrifice but I see it now. What a waste. Lilianna would be devastated and I suspect a little proud at Vincent's refusal to toe the line. But Alistair stands in front of me now. He's shaking and I can't tell which emotion drives him. The Current Lotus would know. I search his earnest eyes and give him a curt nod. I go through the portal with Omega. "None of you actually agree. " A statement, not a question. I don't know what their plan is because Zaakilo getting what he wants isn't an option. " You must think me foolish. But I had to try. " Everyone gets a chance. One chance. Zaakilo got his. The Current Lotus likes to give many chances. She's an optimist. I am not her. I turn to Omega and hesitate. I don't know Omega like I know Sin. I know how Sin's breath changes when he draws his sword. I know where he's going to step before he does. We fight well together because we're extentions of each other. I know the way his hands grip a hilt. I know the way they feel when they grip my hand instead. Heat rushed to my cheeks. I swallow hard. Swallowing down the emotion that wants to spill out. It has no place here. " You all can't do anything directly without risking assimilation but I'll assume you've been plotting. What have you planned? And why are we here?" I look to the tiny village next to the river and sigh. Places like these rarely mean a simple mission though they should. It's a pity how many times I've have to raze a village, usually due to fanatics or zealots of some kind.