[h1][center][color=#FFE924]Tales of the Suneater: The Logistics of Conquest[/color][/center][/h1] Change had come to the village, far faster than any had expected. Not only had Tyryk declare himself the Suneater, he had quickly cemented his role as ruler of the village and its surrounding land. Using not only the loyalty of the warriors, but gaining the respect of the village itself with the defeat of the goblins. While at first even Tyryk was unsure of what to do with the prisoners now in his custody, another new change would aid in deciding what would become of them. The Striders, the crystalline guests that Tyryk had brought with him to the village, had quickly proven themselves as great aids to the village and the Suneater. Easily taking to the Beastfolk’s language, they explained their nature as consumers and holders of knowledge, teaching the village a vast amount of practices and things they had learned. From smithing with various metals that could be found in the mountains nearby, to basic cultivation of the fruits and grains that lived upon the river bank. With the Strider’s aid, the village would begin to prosper beyond their formerly basic life, and Tyryk would find a use for his feral prisoners. Sending them northward with Beastfolk guards, they would be tasked with mining the metals from within the caves, guided by the bioluminescent moss that would be fashioned as lights as they progressed deeper within. They additionally would be trained to become more civilized workers, to various degrees of success. Then came the boats, and the tales from the golden flowers. Word from beyond the lands of their village had begun to reach them, the flowers telling all sorts of tales of civilizations that had begun to form upon the banks. Each tale only inspired the Village further, driving them to build further and expand their operations. But that couldn’t be done alone, but the arrival of the boats and floating bugs would aid that even further. They carried with them a great many people, both goblin and beastfolk alike. Some came for trade and talking, others were merely exploring to satisfy a deep fire within, but most had come to find a place to live, and Tyryk, ever ambitious, welcomed them in. And so the village would grow, shifting from a small collection of shoddy buildings to a grander town of refined craftsmanship and work. Some even split off and formed other nearby communities, growing their influence beyond their valley. But the growing population had begun to weigh heavily on their works, even with the new plants that could be grown upon the river banks. If the Suneater were truly to continue his goal of becoming a grand conqueror of the river, this would need to be fixed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyryk overlooked the riverine farm that sat just along the banks of the grand river; several beastfolk carefully walked amongst the partially flooded fields of rice, sugarcane, and floatatos. A hippo fullbood stood to the right of Tyryk, marking down various notes about the crops upon a clay tablet. To his left, stood one of the Crystal striders, Anu, who eagerly watched the goings on of the farm. Their crystal form was luckily kept underneath a finely designed cloak of leather and fiber, allowing them to be out without blinding the non-strider inhabitants. While Tyryk had not anticipated bringing a strider along to this trip, Anu had insisted on joining, seemingly interested in the types of crops they were growing. [color=#FFE924]“Will this harvest be enough to cover the expansions? I was hoping to send a shipment out to the goblins in the highlands soon.”[/color] Tyryk asked, casting a glance towards the hippo. The hippo took a moment to respond, checking the various markings they had made on the tablet, smacking their large lips together a few times as they thought. “It might be enough, but we’ll be cutting it close, even with the influx and trade we’re not doing as good as we could be my lord.” A growl came from the warlord, this wasn’t good. His efforts to organize and develop the region had made it a growing hub amongst the Four Daughters River, but the farms needed to be bigger each time. He thought over courses of action, farms would need to be expanded, but that would require more focus on it, and less on his other projects. Next to him, Anu made a soft noise, almost as if clearing their throat.[color=#afeeee] “If I may offer a helpful idea Lord Suneater.”[/color] He nodded, waving a hand at the strider. [color=#FFE924]“Go ahead.”[/color] [color=#afeeee]“I’ve been taking note of the various crops we utalize in the farms. I believe with some testing and research I may be able to help with our food problem. It will take some time though.” [/color] Tyryk gave another nod. [color=#FFE924]“Do as much as you can, whatever enhancements we can make to our system will be beneficial.”[/color] He gestured at the Hippo. [color=#FFE924]“Bring Anu to your seed stockpiles, allow them to pick out what they will require.”[/color] “On it my lord.” The hippo gave a bow to the Suneater, motioning for Anu to follow. The two of them headed off towards the storage buildings that sat just beyond the farm’s fields. Leaving Tyryk alone for a moment with his thoughts. While he was hopeful in the strider’s ability to make a breakthrough, there would need to be more change than just some crop improvements. He wished to avoid open conflict with other communities on the river at the moment, especially that walled city he had heard about from some of the traders, so raiding was not on the table. But this solution could not be solved on their own, but becoming dependent on the basic trade they got was equally not an option, Something needed to change, and soon. He turned from the farmlands, making his way back towards his insectoid mount that sat lazily grazing upon the grass. Only to see another mounted figure draw closer. It became clear who it was quickly, as the large black and orange wings and head covered in a fluff of equally orange hair and feathers noted to Tyryk that it was Konne. Who had quickly become his second in command in matters of the military as his rule was cemented. [color=#FFA845]“Good day!”[/color] She shouted, waving a hand as she drew close. [color=#FFA845]“I come bearing some news that I thought you would like to know.”[/color] [color=#FFE924]“I hope something good.”[/color] He responded, saddling up onto his own mount. Giving it a slight shove to get it moving back towards the main town. [color=#FFA845]“It could help us that's for sure.”[/color] Konne continued, quickly sliding up to his side and having her mount match his’ lazy pace. [color=#FFE924]“So what is it?”[/color] [color=#FFA845]“Our scouts from the south came back with their report. Apparently, with some help from the daffotales, they discovered a new settlement close to the southern embankments. According to them it was a large farming community, populated by ‘Snouters’.”[/color] [color=#FFE924]“Snouters?”[/color] [color=#FFA845]“Large pig folk, kinda like us in appearance but just pigs, though according to the daffotales they’re really good at farming.”[/color] [color=#FFE924]“Farming you say.”[/color] Tyryk thought for a moment, before nodding his head and encouraging his mount to move quicker. [color=#FFE924]“In that case, we shall get supplies and some assistance at the town, then we ride south.”[/color] Konne stammered for a second, barely catching up to Tyryk in time to continue speaking.[color=#FFA845] “Right now? It's a few days worth of travel.”[/color] [color=#FFE924]“Better then we get started sooner. Besides, if these Snouters are as good at farming as the daffos say then I wish to meet them.”[/color] He continued to encourage his mount onward, wishing to make it to the town quicker. [color=#FFA845]“Fine.”[/color] Konne sighed, knowing it was better than to argue with Tyryk when his mind was set on a task. Instead she just followed along, the two of them riding across the grasslands towards the town. To prepare for meeting their new neighbors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It did take the retinue a few days to reach the settlement that the scouts had told them about. Accompanying him and Konne was several of their warriors, alongside one of the crystal striders, Polassar, who had been the first to learn their language and had quickly become Tyryk’s confidant in matters of dealing with the various groups under his rule. So it was only fitting to bring them along when dealing with what may be yet another subject to his conquests. They now could see the edges of the settlement, being able to make out the large shapes of its inhabitants going about their days. Most hadn’t noticed them, seemingly focused on whatever job they were focused on, whether it was carrying baskets of goods or working away at textiles. But a few had noticed, already they stood staring back at the Retinue, seemingly deciding on what to do. Finally, one of the pig-like inhabitants broke off, heading deeper into the village. [color=#FFA845]“What's the plan?”[/color] Konne asked besides Tyryk, a hand firmly planted on the hilt of her blade. [color=#FFE924]“We shall wait and see what their response is.”[/color] He replied, his face was calm but he too drew a hand towards the ax at his side. [color=#FFE924]“I do not wish to antagonize these people before we’ve had a chance to speak.”[/color] [color=#FFA845]“Very well, but I’m going to keep an eye on them. Hopefully Pols can keep everyone calm enough.”[/color] The strider looked up from their thoughts, one of their larger claws rubbing some dirt off one of their eyes. [color=#63416e]“I shall endeavor to do my best to serve the Suneater.”[/color] They spoke with a cheery beam. Tyryk chuckled at the Strider’s eagerness to meet a new group. He hoped that the rumors of these ‘snouters’ abilities at farming were not exaggerated. If they could at least be convinced to trade it would go a long way to helping his food supply issue. Conquest would come later, first came logistics. A commotion from the village roused him from his thoughts, now it seemed the rest of the settlement had become aware of their presence. Many of the snouters had begun to gather to stare, all of them still seemingly waiting on something to happen. A sudden loud booming roar forced them to scatter back to their jobs, many picking up the baskets and items they had set to the side to stare. Emerging from the crow was a smaller group of snouters, at their head was a beast of a pig, his large frame matching and even exceeding Tyryk’s, his face was scarred, with one of his tusks broken off. He wore a simple outfit though, one more befitting a simple farmer than the warrior he appeared to look like. This was likely the settlement's leader, good, Tyryk was hoping he would be able to meet with someone of authority. He raised his hand to give a greeting wave towards the leader who now stared at his retinue, taking his hand off his ax to dissuade any suspicion they might have. But the leader did not respond in kind, instead he stood there, eyes focused on scanning over the entire retinue, clearly contemplating the new visitors. [color=#63416e]“Perhaps we should give a greeting.”[/color] Polassar inquired, putting their cloak up further to avoid a stray beam of light blinding the snouters. Tyryk nodded, it would do no harm to give a simple greeting. He straightened up on the saddle, taking care not to move forward. [color=#FFE924]“Good day!”[/color] He shouted towards the pig folk. [color=#FFE924]“We mean no harm! We come from the north and wish to speak!”[/color] A few of the snouters near their leader murmured something to them, but were quickly silenced by a raised hand. Taking a few steps forward, their leader straightened his back, showing off his sheer size. Before bellowing a response. [color=#D462FF]“You and one other can come closer! I shall do so with one of my own!”[/color] So they were willing to talk, good. Tyryk nodded at the strider as he dismounted, motioning for them to follow him. He gave a look towards Konne as well, it didn’t need to be said but he was sure she would keep an eye out in case they tried anything. Him and Polassar drew closer, with the Snouter leader and one of his followers doing the same. It didn’t take long for the two pairs to draw close enough that they wouldn’t need to shout to be heard. Though they both took care to maintain a fair distance from each other. [color=#FFE924]“Greetings.”[/color] Tyryk began. [color=#FFE924]“I am Tyryk, the Suneater, lord of the villages to the north. And this is my aid, Polassar the Strider.”[/color] They gave a little bow when introduced, their prismatic crystals shining a soft rainbow beneath their cloak. The snouter gave a soft snort at the introduction. [color=#D462FF]“Suneater eh? So you’re the bloke those flowers have been talking about.”[/color] He motioned a hand towards himself and the snouter beside him. [color=#D462FF]“I am Znorik the Bold, leader of the Rock Tooths, this is my son, Ortha.”[/color] The smaller pigman did look much like Znorik now that Tyryk looked between the two, just far younger and far less scared. [color=#D462FF]“What exactly brings someone like you to our land?”[/color] He gave a chuckle, the snouter’s face was stone, he would have to play this safe. [color=#FFE924]“I came in hopes of meeting with your settlement. You see, my people,”[/color] He gestured towards his retinue, [color=#FFE924]“have an issue. While we have learned much, our agriculture has faltered. We heard tales of your people’s abilities, and I wished to see if we could not mutually aid each other.”[/color] A soft snort came from Znorik, who casted a side eye at his son, before returning his focus to Tyryk.[color=#D462FF] “S’pose it’s to be expected, you’ll find no better farmers than my lot.”[/color] He looked past Tyryk, towards his retinue, one of his hands reaching up to stroke a tuft of fur at the bottom of his chin. [color=#D462FF]“Not sure what your lot could give us though. How do I know we’re getting a fair shake?”[/color] Tyryk gestured to Polassar. [color=#FFE924]“My aid is quite knowledgeable on those matters, and can certainly find something of us we can provide. We have stores of knowledge and skills in our lands that could prove helpful to your people.”[/color] The strider nodded along, adding onto the end of his statement. [color=#63416e]“Indeed, me and my kind are incredibly knowledgeable in many matters, we would be more than happy to extend our aid to your settlement.”[/color] Znorik continued to stroke his chin beard, giving it a few moments of thought before speaking. [color=#D462FF]“I s’pose it wouldn’t hurt to at least ‘ear ya out.” His mouth opened to continue, but before he could, a commotion began to emerge from the village.[/color] The gathered group turned towards the new noise, emerging from the village, almost frantic looking, was another snouter. They waved their hands, calling out towards Znorik. “Chieftain! Chieftain! Come Quick! Beasts! Monsters! They’re Coming!” The chieftain turned towards his son, grabbing his shoulder and pointing an authoritative finger at him. [color=#D462FF]“Sound the bell, we need everyone to get prepared.”[/color] He turned away, rushing back towards the village with his son at his side. Another command came from him towards the warriors that had come with him, who quickly began to ready themselves and head westward. Tyryk turned towards Polassar. [color=#FFE924]“Help the villagers prepare themselves, assist in whatever way you can.”[/color] The strider nodded, making sure their cloak was in place as they skittered towards the village. He then turned towards his own retinue, it wasn’t big, only 15 warriors including himself and Konne, but it would do. He waved a hand at them, urging them onward. [color=#FFE924]“Konne! To me!”[/color] It didn’t take any convincing on her part, with a jolt she urged both her and Tyryk’s mounts forward, followed by the other warriors. They stopped for only a second to allow him to mount his bug, before they once more urged them onward. Their mounts allowed them to quickly traverse the village pathways, moving past the snouters who had begun to fortify their houses and gather up whatever could be used as weapons. It didn’t take them long to meet up with Znorik, who had gathered his own warriors in the village center, he looked up from his questioning of the villager that had raised the alarm, a quizzical eyebrow raising at the Beastfolk’s arrival. [color=#D462FF]“And what do you lot think you’re doing?”[/color] [color=#FFE924]“Coming to your aid.”[/color] Tyryk replied, dismounted and taking a few steps towards the chieftain. [color=#FFE924]“We’re warriors, and we’re not going to stand idly by as your village comes under attack.”[/color] While he clearly would’ve liked to refuse the help, the chieftain seemed to be swayed otherwise. [color=#D462FF]“Very well, they’re coming from the west, we need to head over now.”[/color] He nodded, motioning for his retinue to dismount and follow. The combined warriors, now augmented by a gathering array of snouters prepared to fight, made their way towards the western edge of the village. By the time they reached the edge, they could already see what was coming. They were monsters, there was no other way to define them, their skin was a putrid grey and stretched taut over their frames, bone-like claws and ridges erupted from still bleeding wounds, and hideous maws of teeth could be seen as they drew ever closer. Tyryk had no clue what these monsters were, but he knew that they were dangerous, everything about them told him that. He unshackled the ax at his hip, testing its weight in his hand. It was a new invention, gathered from tales and trade with the great walled city. It was made of something the striders had called metal, copper, he believed. No matter, if it would slice through whatever these creatures were, it would do him good. To his side, Konne had drawn her own copper blade, her wings readied to launch her upward as soon as the beasts arrived. Meanwhile to his right, Znorik had been handed a large hammer by one of the warriors, his focus entirely on the coming horde. The demons had seen them by now, many of them dropping to all fours to charge faster towards the village. Beastfolk and Snouter prepared for the crash, their weapons at the ready to slay whatever these beasts were. Tyryk uttered a prayer to the Flame and Chaos under his breath, they would need it. The demons were here. [hider=summary i forgot] It's been a few years since the last Suneater post, and things have changed with the village. The growing trade network Asheel and Tuni set up allows more people to come to the village and help it develop, aided by the Strider’s own large base of knowledge. But it's not enough, as Tyryk has found his subject's agricultural skill lacking, and so he needs help, luckily scouts report some Snouters appearing to the south. After a few days of travel, the Suneater arrives at the settlement and tries to engage in diplomacy with the snouter’s leader: Znorik. The two begin to become amicable to each other and to possible trade, but are interrupted by the arrival of some outer demons to the village, with the Suneater’s forces and Znorik’s joining forces to fend them off. Leaving off on a cliffhanger. [/hider]