[h3] Thernous and Erwin [/h3] The man stared at the people down the hill from him after waking up abruptly, and placed his hand over his face as he sighed, "we could have done this entirely without having to alert the entire area..." he muttered quietly, and he just stared at them, "Why are we attacking when we all could have gotten inside without a fight, found the bear and then killed the others without splitting our forces with at least two powerful mages together." He slowly just stepped out of his cart and stared down the road towards the engagement back with his grandson who was left slightly behind everyone to just keep them out of the way. Erwin just held his musket, his sword on his side as he stared down, and the two started making their way down the way. He stared and looked his grandson, "anti-magical field, have the bag of flour?" "Yes grandfather, old tricks to deal with anti-magic, I have studied the tactics used in the north." Erwin said looking over at his grandfather. "Go ahead, meet with the others, I will be there shortly once you have prepared." With that Erwin took off down the road as he stared at the fight happening ahead of him, he pressed his lips together and had a bag of flour in a pouch under his arm and tied around his torso, his musket was in the other arm as he ran.