[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BjtZNtv.png[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]Location[/color]: Western outer wall --> inner wall, Stritzel's Estate, Western Kindeance. [hr] Twirling the grappling hook in one hand, Veronica smiled, as she watched Lily and Rose scale the wall. Out of everyone she had with her, those two had been her greatest concerns at this juncture, but it seemed like she needn't have worried. She'd heard bears were fairly good climbers, surprisingly and often frighteningly so, and it seemed that was very much the case here. A light whistle of air was followed by a quiet, sharp clink of metal, as her grapple hook was sent soaring in a practiced throw, the metal catching securely in the nook of the wall's parapet. She shot Varya a commiserate smirk of approval at his answer, beginning her own swift ascent. The distant sound of explosions and a ringing battle cry briefly brought her ascent to a stop halfway up the wall, before she shook her head and finished pulling herself up, winding up her rope and tucking it and the grapple hook in her pack. Her eyes narrowed at the distant fight breaking out in the dark. From this angle, atop the wall, she could barely see it without the manor's bulk obstructing it. A Varya's hushed, concerned question, she chuckled. [color=ed1c24]"Sounds like Yvonne's getting her appetite up."[/color] Shaking her head, Veronica moved to the side of the wall facing the manor. [color=ed1c24]"I know they said they'd be making a ruckus, but I wonder if they aren't enjoying themselves a little too much."[/color] A chuff of amusement escaped her. Glancing back the way they came and then forward and seeing no sign of her fellow undead, Veronica restrained a grin. [color=ed1c24]"It seems Solomon is doing his thing." [/color]Gesturing towards the mansion with a jerk of her head, Veronica smirked. [color=ed1c24]"Alright ladies and gents, let's move. Don't worry about Solomon losing us, even if you can't find him."[/color] A sly, knowing smile spread across her lips. [color=ed1c24]"He'll be around when he needs to be. Just do your best to keep up; we've got a bear to save."[/color] With little else to be said, the pale girl leaped right off the side of the wall, her Sight blooming out into action on reflex, visions of the next few seconds flying through her gaze, before she tucked into a roll, bleeding momentum from her leap harmlessly. The rest of her forward pace was conserved, as the vampire sprinted across the open field like a flickering shadow in the night, her footsteps nearly light as feathers under the influence of a kunoichi's practiced footwork. She only stopped moving once she was pressed up against the northwestern corner of the outer side of the inner wall, ears perked and attention focused on the other side, listening for any form of movement. She waited there, still as a statue, debatably even breathing in her silence, until the rest of the infiltration team had caught up. Once they had, she made sure to reiterate in a whisper what they could expect once they reached their target. After all, past this point, there was the chance she might not have the opportunity to ensure everyone was on the same page again. [color=ed1c24]"Once we get into the basement complex, we -in theory- face limited opposition. There are five guards down there, individual capabilities unknown, but they probably aren't a huge threat as long as we don't get careless. The real problems are a woman with red hair, who gives off the impression of being some kind of mage, and a second bear, not Cedar. The other guy is huge, bigger than your brother."[/color] She glanced at the twins. [color=ed1c24]"A real hulk, and it's unclear if he's also a prisoner or not. We should be prepared to fight him, but if at all possible, don't antagonize him first. All I'm saying is: don't throw the first blow, but remain cautious and don't hesitate to defend yourselves. There's too many unknowns, so we'll focus on what we do know. We target the five guards and the redhead woman first. If the mystery bear sees fit to not intervene, we leave him be, maybe rescue him too, but it may not be that simple."[/color] Keeping an ear out for their replies, Veronica turned towards the inner wall and elected to begin scaling it as well. Slowly, she hauled herself up, until her eyes could peak over the top, checking to see that the way was clear.