[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BjtZNtv.png[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]Location[/color]: Western inner wall --> outer mansion, Stritzel's Estate, Western Kindeance. [hr] Veronica's eyes narrowed. In her line of work, one of the most dangerous things you could face was the unknown. For a shinobi thrived on preparation, on being able to scout out the terrain and opposition long before fully committing. To see something she had earlier pegged as an enemy x-factor now active and not as inconsequential as she'd hoped was concerning. The vampire had honestly expected that the five strange guards she had spotted before would either stay inside the mansion only or be sent to main battlefield to meet the assault team's charge. Evidently, that was not the case. [color=ed1c24]"Doctor,"[/color] Veronica spoke up in a whisper again, [color=ed1c24]"it seems your expertise is required."[/color] Though she could not see him or even really hope to determine his presence at all (becoming one with the literal shadows didn't tend to leave much in the way of physical traces, even to darkvision), she was confident her fellow undead was nearby and similarly confident in his capabilities. [color=ed1c24]"From my position, directly due south,"[/color] Veronica described, [color=ed1c24]"there is a single guard with potential line of sight to our target. He is exhibiting unusual behavior, almost looks sick and isn't responding to the other team's distraction. His presence is neither ideal nor expected, and worse, when I scried the estate earlier, there were four more equally strange guards."[/color] Lowering herself back down from the wall, Veronica frowned. [color=ed1c24]"Solomon, if I could trouble you, could you inspect that guard and bring back your professional opinion on what's going on with him?"[/color] Her brow pinched. [color=ed1c24]"This may just be a gut instinct, but I actually suspect he isn't even alive, despite his... movement. There's something too unnatural about it."[/color] Her expression darkened. [color=ed1c24]"Whether that means he is an undead or worse, I cannot say. In the worst moral case, he is a living victim of enchantment magic or other horrid procedures, a slave trapped in his own body."[/color] She shook her head, dispelling those thoughts. [color=ed1c24]"But don't let my wild speculations bias your assessment."[/color] She cupped her chin. [color=ed1c24]"If you could also use the opportunity to see if any more of those strange guards are nearby -particularly where they can see that first one, that would also be appreciated."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"In the meanwhile..."[/color] Shifting slightly eastward across the wall, Veronica clambered up again, eye-balling the guard's position and the tree he stood beside. [color=ed1c24]"I think we can still sneak in without being detected."[/color] She dropped down again, turning to the twins and Varya and jerking her head towards the mansion. [color=ed1c24]"So, let's do that. There's a small risk of being spotted, but something tells me if we lay low and quiet, that guard won't spot us. He doesn't seem the most... aware."[/color] She hoped anyway. [color=ed1c24]"If any of you have any extrasensory magics or abilities that could tell us more about him, I'd love to hear more, but try and save chatter until we get inside the basement and well out of enemy sightlines."[/color] With that said, Veronica moved eastward until the mansion fully obstructed her entrance point from the strange guard and then quickly clambered over the wall. Being much shorter, her task was hardly difficult, as she slunk across the yard of the inner wall, pressing herself against the northwest corner wall of the mansion proper. A small inhale of remembrance has her swiftly rummaging into a hip pouch to pull out the metal compass Jazdia had handed her before. Flipping it open and activating the communication device, she waited for it to hopefully connect, before briefly saying, [color=ed1c24]"No time to talk. Just a warning that the five strange guards have moved, at least one posted inside the inner wall facing the gate. Might not be human or even alive. Stay cautious. Going dark again."[/color] And with that, she disconnected, stuffing the compass back into her pouch and peeking around the corner. Still the same guard, unmoving. Lips pursed tightly, Veronica dared to creep around the corner towards the basement door. With every fluidly tense step, her Sight flashed, her visions of the future fixated on the guard, as she tensely searched for even the slightest sign that she was about to alert him. She became moderately less tense, once she had the southern tree blocking the guard's line of sight to her, as she stepped up next to basement entrance and flashed her Sight again, pressing close to the wall of the staircase down. She took a few steps down, before pausing, waiting for the rest of her team to catch up and using her Sight to glimpse further down at the larger area below.