The twins rapidly lumbered behind, making a rather odd looking silouette in the dark as they crouched low while moving, before scrunching up against the next wall, then scrabbling over it. Veronica seemed quite perturbed by the guard apparently stationed on the other side. They could smell him of course, but he smelled like any other human. It was a little weird that she was talking at the night air without Doc present. All the same, maybe it would help her not be quite so paranoid. [color=f7941d]"Miss V'ronica?"[/color] Asked Rose timidly, slinking up beside her near the wall. [color=f7941d]"If'n ya worried, ya cu'd use dis.. "[/color] She reached into her bag and pulled out the white bead bracelet, and handed it to her. [color=f7941d]"Uh's sees 'nuff, buh' mebbe yous kin use it. Jus' pu' it on, --sos Lil says.."[/color]