[Right][H2][color=#9cb6c3]Solomon Sparrow[/color] & [color=#B5BDA5]Athena Voltspear[/color][/H2][/right] [right][b][color=#9cb6c3]Location: [/color][/b] Kindeance [/right] [hr] An explosion. The first wave of guards appeared to have been ineffective in delaying the attacking party’s assault on the manor. In no time, they cleared the outer field and already breached the second gate. Solomon immediately halted his investigation as the disoriented man began to walk forward in earnest. Whatever the man was and what he was being affected by became the attacking party’s problem now. Solomon quickly retreated. Solomon noticed whilst passing by the basement entrance again that it lacked any doors, and some dialog could be heard inside. He paused to eavesdrop. He wondered if the second explosion had drawn enough attention from those below to take action. As he peered down the basement entrance, he could see Veronica was already there, tentatively creeping down, but still aware of her surroundings. Solomon’s shadowy figure emerged from the ground and slowly retook shape that was easily recognizable. No long completely silent, Solomon whispered his presence so Veronica would know it to be him. “I wasn’t able to get anything clear, but I can confirm that guard lives. He looks to have engaged Jazdia. We should be free to push further once the others arrive. I trust Jazdia and those who are with her to keep the above ground guards occupied.” he said softly. Then he ceased speaking further, listening to the two men further inside speaking, while at the same time waiting for the bears and Varya. While Solomon was with the others infiltrating the basement bunkers, Athena was facing down a new wave of eight men. Five were odd in their movements, but just as aggressive if not more so than what Yvonne displayed. The others were a part of Jonas Delving detail. Athena knew he was involved and Veronica did mention that he was on the premises. Perhaps it was too optimistic to hope that his visit was merely that, and he wasn’t involved. Let alone hoping he had left. “Ice guy.” Athena called, forgetting Evan’s name at the moment. The speed the odd brutes were charging at gave little time coordinate, “Protect the left.” Even before Athena called, it looked like Evan was already preparing his own counter attack. His wargs, or at least one of them, leapt forward and dashed after a bodyguard, while the ice mage himself crafted a shield mirroring Delving’s. Athena put all of her focus on the two men that were moving towards Athena’s general direction. Athena saw that their path wasn’t directly at her, instead off to her side towards Jazdia’s position. The elven archer already started to reposition. To give her a better chance to evade the brutes, Athena moved to intercept. She ran as fast as she could to put herself between the altered guard and Jazdia. She held her shield up, her spear pointed forward, the tip burning in purple flames. If the guard would attempt to evade her block, she would lunge at the guard with her spear.