Seeing how his friend got dragged away by a seemingly invisible force, the second captain rushed to aid first one. At the same time, nobody knew since when, the Delving Patriarch had already stood not far from Yvonne. He only grinned briefly at Evan's pathetic attempt to mimic his armament, but his attention now was fully at the Rosenving. Another noble, a formidable fighter. Old Jonas knew how to appreciate a good fight, even if chaos unfolded around him he wouldn't waste the opportunity to get one. Some entertainment before he had them all killed. Stomping his feet, Jonas thrust his partisan at Yvonne. **** Jazdia prepared her magic arrow. Initially, it was intended to be shot at that swashbuckling Delving as a retort to his insult. But then she heard a thud on her right. This close meant someone had broken into their formation, and true to that, one of the berserkers had landed a blow on Louise. Luckily her armor did its job well. Her crystal arrow gleamed with explosive enchantment, ready to be unleashed. Concluding that eliminating the closest threat was not an option, Jazdia aimed at the then-kneeling thug, mentally ignoring the incongruity of how a human can survive a musket shot in the neck. The arrow hit and swallowed him in a fiery blast. But what was revealed after the smoke settled was even more horrifying. The thug knelt again, with the result from the explosion apparent in his body. But from the ghastly wounds, his blood coagulated rapidly, replacing the missing chunk of flesh. Screamed in pain, his eyes glowed red, and they wept crimson tears. Fully alerted, Jazdia knocked an arrow on her bow and activated her eyes. Whatever standing there now was no longer a human.