[Center][h1]It's Chile at the top of the game[/h1] [H3]Frigga and Team Condor[/h3][/center] Frigga wasn't out of the fight. Sure that fight with Geza had rattled her and she currently working on trying ro remove that damned gibbled plate that's slowing her movement. Doesn't mean she's down and out. She feels the ATV rock sighing and calling again, "Miss a bump or two huh babe?" Call back to the first op perhaps. She giggles a little. And goes back to working the plate loose. It's not covering anything important. It won't cause any problems. She tosses the playe over atop the rumpled carcass over the balloon suit with a sigh, that's another thing. Her mom is gonna kill her over that. Frigga hums and crawls up and pokes up out of the hatch up top. Something feels off. Something feels wrong. It's like a pall on the air. A feeling in her bones. It's too quiet and calm. Where are the QRFs, the back up teams. It's not right. If this were a BlueSword op there would have been no less then five QRF teams scrambling for the site, and no less then 3 medium assault teams in their wake, one lead by her dad another lead by her mom and the third commanded by one of her uncles. Likely Carl or Ross. Ross more likely as Carl liked to do the top down satellite thing these days. So what's stopping these cowboys? She pulls the AEW off her back, scanning the trees. The big woman grabs the edge of the hatch as they roll down the incline. The big woman scanning when Skye's cry of warning over the comms reaches over to them. She turns in the hatch her Helmet HUD flicking through modes and magnifying. The order to burn down the opponent entering her head, whispering into her mic, "I can do that." Almost ripping herself out of the hatch she leaps clear, "Keep going. I'll catch up in a moment." She tells Sam. Takes a few steps forward and kneels at rhe side of the incline. Her HUD magnifies a heat based vision mode picking out two shapes below in the snow and trees. The weapon in her hands clicks and shifts. From anti infantry to lightning the to the pointed tip of the long range anti armor mode. The mode that fires a high energy high impact beam of charged matter. She takes a breath raises the weapon to her shoulder. Her visor calculating. A reticle showing her aim point. A slow release of her breath. And a depression of the trigger. "...because they'll be joining you." Were the words being said. Before the sound of trees being ripped apart pierces the air. And a beam of blue white energy flares down from above. Deceptively thin and weak looking. It wings Lynx high on the left chest. And only because of her shield field does she merely get flung back...20 yards. As the woman gets back to her feet there's another flash, and this time she dodges the lance of energy. But the damage has been done. There's another player now. No more beams of energy. But through the trees, is that a mobile blizzard. Still not in a position to cause close range problems, but holy balls that's going to change fast. Frigga charges down the hill, her shield emitters lit, her rifle hung at her back. What is she? Some ancient warrior, she has guns! Why isn't she using them? And why is she empty handed? The great warrior goddess tears through trees, dead fall and bush luke a storm given form, a length of gleaming chain in her right hand, trailing behind and off to her side. She yells into her comms, "Chaos love, when she lands get in there and grab Queen." Then she pulls. Trees quake, the ground splinters. And Starbreaker on the end of the retracting chain comes hissing out of the dark, like a giant ball on the end of a rope in gym class. You jump or get out of the way and maybe you get hit if you don't do either. And maybe Lynx isn't sure what's happening, because the hammer just misses her though it's passage causes her shields to crackle..just rhe sheer pressure eave of the super dense hammer causing her systems to have a mini break down from the passage of what could have been death. But then the real thing arrives. As Frigga is right there trailing snow and win and ice like some avenging frost giant of myth. The speaker on her helmet crying, "No one hurts one of my girls!" The retracting hammer arrives back in her hand just then. The resulting twist blow catches Lynx across the hip, and before she can go flying Frigga catches her by the throat, "I don't think we've met." Her glove sizzles as it rolls past the shield and wraps around the smaller woman's throat, "I am Frigga, the battle goddess of Raven. I don't care if you look like My Queen or if you look like Queen Victoria. You hurt one of my girls!" Lynx gets to feel what it's like to manhandled by a fluke of nature. She's thrown up onto the air, caught again, and suplexed into the ground. The big woman moves with a massive grace. Lynx tries to get loose only then to be lifted again, and bost slammed to the ground in the exact same place she just got suplexed into. As she feels the weight of the woman who did this leave her she again tries to get up. Opening her eyes Inside her helmet, and moaning, "Oh...crap." just as Frigga falls on her again slamming her fists down into Lynx's chest driving her even deeper I to the crater of snow, loam and dirt. And then just to make it even more humiliating, Frigga stands once more, lifts her great bottled foot, and then stomps down on the woman with a boom of finally over taxed shields and armor protesting. The Battle Goddess stands over Lynx panting staring down at her armored form, "Don't get up please..." The silver, blue and chrome armored woman says to the black and red armored woman, "It'd be a pity to have to kill you today."