Seaside Village Omega Lotus misunderstands our intentions here. Now that we are away I have all the time I need to explain. "We aren't here to steal Umbra." Omega says. A village child runs up towards omega. "Raydel, you've returned! Do you have any sweets!" The child says with hands eagerly outstretched. Omega produces a bag of candies from a satchel at his hip and hands it to the child. "Share with the other children. Go now, I have important business." Omega says, his usually stoic face ever so slightly turned to a smile. "We don't plan to go along with Zaak's plan. But, neither do we have a concrete plan to stop him. Best we can do for now is to slow his accumulation of Umbra as best we can. He's the only one of us that can use it in any meaningful capacity. From what we can tell it's similar in nature to Formless." Omega explains as the make their way through the village. In turn the villagers wave greet them. Children run about playing amongst themselves. A quaint idyllic little world with peaceful happy lives. Furthermore Omega seems to be at peace here. His rapport with the people is uncharacteristic of him. His permanent scowl is replaced by a soft attentive gaze. Even the way he walks suggests an inner peace he couldn't find in his previous life. "He doesn't watch me though. I'm not sure why. Shame maybe. Alistair and Sin he watches the closest. Saedysm and Vincent he checks in on. But me. Once he forms my engram he actively chooses not to look at me. Which is beneficial. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to hide [i]this[/i]. They have made their way to a mausoleum of sorts. Down the steps into the crypts below. Torches in scones on the walls give light to the path. Once at the bottom the pathway widens into a large hall. And behind two large wrought iron doors is a massive burial chamber. The dead at rest seem to whisper at the Lotus's presence. Prayers to the Goddess of Life and War. The torches are gone. Instead the chamber is lit with natural sunlight from the widows at the top of the underground structure which breaches the ground above with a spire of stone. The missing glass from it has allowed plant life to creep in from above. Vines creep their way in returning life to this home of the dead; who seem not to mind. At the center of it all on a moss covered stone table once used to prepare the dead for their next life is the body of Galen Kard.