[color=0054a6]Varya Chandrar[/color] When Veronica walked around the corner, Varya brandished his butterfly swords and casted his spell of Invisibility on himself, shrouding him in a veil of illusion (Invisibility activated). Varya ran around the corner, using Veronica's presence as a distraction so that he could circle around and knock out one or both of the guards. However, to his surprise the guards did not attack immediately, though still on edge. He couldn't tell if the guards were dense or had a serious ace up their sleeves considering how unphased they were by Veronica brandishing a scythe. He elected to make the gamble that it was the former, hoping between Veronica and Solomon they could handle it while he snuck his way to the door in the bad. Deciding to take advantage of their seeming laxity, Varya switched gears and reduced his speed to a brisk space, careful not to step on any puddles, his footsteps silenced by his measured steps and masked by his magic. As he walked across the room, he nostrils were assaulted by the heavy stench of chemicals, and more disturbingly blood. This was not a good sign, he was hoping based on Jazdia and Veronica's findings that Cedar was still alive. Thankfully Veronica's plan to distract the guards worked, albeit not in the way she had expected. The mooks had their attention focused on her, allowing Varya to sneak around and past them. Once Varya reached the door he sheathed his blades and took out his precious bar of soap. He began to lather up the door hedges in the cleansing substance in order to reduce the creaking of the door once it was opened. After this was done Varya would look through the keyhole of the door if it had one to see what was on the other side, otherwise he would place his long ear against the door to listen.