[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240130/1bef81ddc0b93d02f23af9d27cc8ac97.png[/img][/center] Lucas could feel his headache pulsing at his fingertips, an ill omen for how long it intended to stay. He had no idea where his father was, but he was certain he'd pop up at any second and start insisting that Lucas stop embarrassing himself and start socializing properly. Between the headache and potentially dealing with that, he wasn't sure which was worse, but the headache was slowly taking the lead. Honestly, the best thing to do was to just leave. One of his brother's houses wasn't too far from here, he could just show up and they'd house him without any issue. It would unfortunately mean his father would know and show up tomorrow, but that would be a problem for Tomorrow Lucas. Today Lucas just wanted to lie down. The champagne flute suddenly appearing in his vision let him know that he wasn't alone. Taking in a deep breath, Lucas dropped his hand and looked up at his Templar, a vague disinterest plastered on his face. No, he wasn't entirely disinterested, Tyler was being a dick and Lucas wanted to insult him back, but there was a problem. Tyler's words nearly blended in with the chatter in the background as it took Lucas a moment to register that he was being spoken to. He was probably going to pass out, but he sure as fuck was going to make sure he got something out before he did. [color=dodgerblue]"Keep being an ass and I'm going to vomit on your shoes,"[/color] Lucas managed to snap. Not his strongest comeback. Frustrated--and refusing to let [i]that[/i] be the last thing he said before he inevitably hit the ground--Lucas took in a deep breath and raised an eyebrow at Tyler. [color=dodgerblue]"If I gave a fuck about what [i]anyone [/i]in this world said about me, I probably would've killed myself twenty-something years ago when I realized there was nothing I could do to live up to my golden child brother or saint of a cousin. Unfortunately for you and the world, I have every intention of living out of pure spite,"[/color] Lucas continued. [color=dodgerblue]"Better get used to the spotlight, it follows me everywhere."[/color] Nope, word vomit, not getting better, but he gave up at that point. He plucked the champagne flute from Tyler's hand and downed it in one go. [color=dodgerblue]"What [i]really[/i] bothers me is that I've taken enough aspirin to guarantee I'm going to have liver problems down the line and I still feel like my head's splitting open,"[/color] He sighed. [color=dodgerblue]"Just drag my ass back to the car and leave me in there when I finally pass out, I don't think I'm going to make it back to my hotel."[/color]