[center][URL=http://s496.photobucket.com/user/dreamingflowers1992/media/ODWSPCL_zps0bb916f2.png.html][IMG]http://i496.photobucket.com/albums/rr328/dreamingflowers1992/ODWSPCL_zps0bb916f2.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] A squeal of surprise escaped her as she felt a strong solid arm close around her waist, lifting her up effortlessly. The way in which Adam held her tickled and Mila could not hold back a fit of giggles. Especially as he was running towards the gate, the Rusalka was giggling like some fangirl of a teen pop star. She couldn't help it, the situation was anything but funny. As she glanced over her shoulders she saw the feet of the elven necromancer dangling on the other side. It was too much...... She broke down into hysterical laughter, quickly covering her mouth with her hands. Mila was aware that laughing like this would probably make her look like some sort of psycho. It was probably the excitement and the fear of fighting statues ten times her size. Laughing about it felt better than crying. Despite her long life and the hardships she'd faced, she liked to think she was a happy girl over all. Adam must have misunderstood. The Golem was a curious "man" He acted like a human but Mila wondered if he had started out like one. None the less she could get used to being carried around. The bolted past the other employees of Bain & Hoyle. They were trying to make it to the gate too. Mila was glad they weren't taking their sweet time, she didn't want anyone to be left behind. If this quest was going to be as dangerous as Isis had told them, they would need everyone on board. When they jumped for the portal Mila quickly closed her eyes. Hopefully there were no swinging weapons or huge statues on the other side. "Please tell me when to look" She said having no idea if either Adam or the elven necromancer could hear her.