[hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/FcbtMmB.png[/img][h1]Auri Auclair.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Kali ([@Damycles])[/right][right][b][code]Flowers and Canvases.[/code][/b][/right][hr] The door opened almost immediately after she explained the plan. Standing in the doorframe was Kali! Auri was happy that he was alive and well but looked a bit… different. Then she remembered it was ten years. Auri smiled, and then she got ready to greet him… … Then he announced to the whole group that he was with the FBI. Auri’s smile went flat, then her jaw dropped. She realized that this would cause the group to throw more vitriol her way. Tayla and Drake audibly protested and she could see the shock on everyone else’s face. Auri quickly got up, and all the butterflies disappeared. She walked over to Kali and said, “Can we have a word in private?” Kali agreed. She turned around and threw up the “time out” hand signal, announcing, “Meeting on hold! I will be right back!” That was when she pulled Kali into the storage room, slash break room. In here there were various paintings that Auri wasn’t ready to put up for sale, pots, and so forth. In the middle was a table with various chairs up against it. This was where she and Laurey would go on break. Auri closed the door and turned on the light, she smiled at Kali and said, “It's so great to see you again, and it was also [i]suuuuuuuuuuuper[/i] that you decided to make your grand entrance by announcing to the [i]entire[/i] group that you are with the government! But, wouldn’t it have been smarter to, [i]you know[/i], tell me about this beforehand? Or at the very least not announce it to the entire group?”