[CENTER][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjE0Mi42ZjBiYjcuUzJGc2FTQk5ZV2hsYm1SeVlRLjE/crash-bang-zipdap.regular.webp[/img][/CENTER] [hr] [color=#D01417]Why did I let her do this?[/color] I should've refused. They were surprised, shocked, some of them might have gone violent but that was an opportunity to take control of the situation whilst they don't have time to think. They're disorganized, far from a cohesive unit, and a bit of [i]shock and awe[/i] was probably exactly what they needed to get a functioning dynamic again for what's to come. And yet... when she gave me [i]that look[/i] I just followed along [color=#D01417]Like a goddamn idiot.[/color] [color=#8670AD]Just like old times right? [/color][color=#D01417]Shut it. I'll fix this...[/color] I let out a sigh pressing a hand up against the temples of my forehead before saying to her [color=#D01417]"Smarter, maybe. [b]For me[/b]."[/color] looking her dead in the eyes once again. Focus... don't get distracted. The past is the past. You don't owe her anything anymore... [color=#D01417]"Think about it. If anyone else besides me was sent to handle this you probably wouldn't even know they exist. They would've watched you from a distance, recorded your movements, tapped your phones, tracked your internet usage, intercepted all lines of communication, and eventually... once they realize exactly [i]what[/i] we all are, [b]the plans would change.[/b]"[/color] I say, intentionally not elaborating on [i]how[/i] those plans would change. [color=#D01417]"Basically, I'm giving you all a chance. Work with me, officially, at least until this [i]father wolf[/i] mess is figured out. I can give you access to the information I have, the resources I have access to, and most importantly, the knowledge you're going to need to keep yourselves out've some very [i]threatening[/i] crosshairs. Because if any of you slip up right now Headquarters is going to be sending [i]backup[/i] here and trust me... my co-workers are way more [b]ruthless[/b] than I am."[/color] I say, driving the point home. None of it is a lie, technically, but it's not the whole truth. Still, it's as much as she needs to know. As much as any of them needs to know.