[Center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/392257844256440322/1167983549954138263/Black_Simple_Coffee_Landscape_Banner_20231028_202917_0000.png?ex=65501c72&is=653da772&hm=da672e95acc650204e9241009d90c2ca6b44470a316d30f6e87b09de0b229da2&[/img][hr] Location: Monster Mash!!!! Skills: N/A[/center] [hr][hr] [color=E948FC]“Duh. Only the best for the besties!”[/color] Danni sang to April as he quickly put back his stuff in the dorm. [color=E948FC] “Now, y'all need ta calm down. We're still well wit'in t'e fashionably late zone. I wish t'ey'd ‘ave announced t'e exact time ‘cause t'en we could kick down t'e door just as t'ey announce t'e winners, a.k.a us. Anyways, ‘ere's t'e photos,”[/color] Danni shared the unedited versions amongst the group chat. [Color=E948FC]“I'll do a little editin’ tomorrow and post t'em on socials tomorrow. Now I just wanna dance!”[/color] Dorian took Percy's arm, giving him a peck back as Danni explained the rules to the others who weren't as accustomed to the rules of parties. You never arrived on time, and only ever arrived early if you wanted to help set up, otherwise you arrived within 45 minutes of the initial start time so that you were considered fashionably late. Enough to show you aren't too eager but also not so late that it's considered rude. [Color=CC99FF]”Of Course you may.”[/color] He replied back to his boyfriend. Dorian took a couple steps before linking his arm with Danni’s as well. [Color=CC99FF]”Everybody link up, we arrive toget'er and lose no one.”[/color] Danni gagged exaggeratedly at the PDA, but eagerly linked arms anyway. [color=E948FC]“Friendship tangle, friendship tangle![/color] Danni linked his free arm with April's, beaming at his best friends. [color=E948FC]“So, so, so, who wants ta dance first, who wants ta ‘it t'e ‘aunted ‘ouse never cause Nimue is a Sinister clone and I ain't puttin’ myself in t'at position, and who wants ta just vibe? Beanie, are we dancin’ first? Actually, anyone know t'e Playlist or we walkin’ in blind? I didn't even t'ink ta bot'er t'em about it, I was so focused on our fits!”[/color] Danni chatted animatedly as the future Saviors of Avengers Academy headed to the dance. Dorian dropped his jaw in disbelief. Danni? Not wanting to do a haunted house with him? Sure it was in character but he should know better than to think they'd go one evening without having done so. [Color=CC99FF]”Woah woah woah. Ralentis mon ami, we are fully goin’ to be ‘ittin’ a ‘aunted ‘ouse. It's one of t'e best t'in's about t'e dance! Especially when a mystical witch from anot'er world runs it! But before all t'at.”[/color] Dorian had stopped in his tracks, looking now at the entrance of the dance and spotting the others alongside a few of the Young Avengers. [Color=CC99FF]”Oh! We should ask t'em if t'ey announced t'e teams yet! I'm sure t'ey got ‘ere early enough to ‘ear!”[/color] [color=E948FC]“Sinister. Clone. ‘ow many times do I ‘ave ta tell you t'at we can't trust ‘er and t'at means not puttin’ ourselves in a dark, enclosed, spooky place wit’ no ‘elp!”[/color] Danni objected vehemently, pausing only to look around the room. He glanced at his phone, the suggestion that they wouldn't be there to actually hear the announcements scaring him. But his phone was relatively quiet and he rolled his eyes at Dee. [color=E948FC] “Dee, darlin’, damsel of mine, listen - if t'e teams were announced, my phone would be blowin’ up and I ain't got shit yet so chill, do t'e ‘ouse while I drag someone ta t'e dance floor. Who wants ta dance for a while? I gotta get movin’ and groovin’ ‘fore anyone gettin’ me in ‘eart attack ‘ouse!”[/color] Dorian pouted but reluctantly gave in and chose not to press the matter. Only raising his eyebrow in a devilish manner as he looked at Percy. [Color=CC99FF]”Mon amour, let's go ahead and do t'e ‘ouse while t'e ot'ers dance.”[/color]