[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/dubiel-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230308/7cee190f21ec5c75f3b23ce36b29b31e.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] Asahi's words were ignored, downplayed even. No one took him seriously unlike before. Instead of listening to him, they all just shouted at one another treating him like he's not there. The only people who seemed to even care about what he said was Oros and Sasuke. Oros, who continued to talk to him with a relaxed smile on his face. Sasuke, who gave him a look that only the pink-haired boy understood. Some of his classmates with them also gave him a look, a look that made it seem like he was the bad guy. Like he was the villain. He willed his string to come back to him, his knuckles white as his fists tightened. He looked angrily at Sasuke, Oros, Ayana, and the others. [color=#fbb6cb]"You're all a bunch of ingrates. When I try to save you fools, I feel every broken bone as if it were mine. I feel all the sadness, the depression, the rage, the confusion, the anxiety, and the fear that you've ever felt in your entire lives. I feel every fibre of muscle torn, every pinky toe bumped against the corners of tables, every heartbreak, every cramp, every sore. I feel. ALL. YOUR. PAIN."[/color] He said with a cold, rageful tone. [color=#fbb6cb]"I have your memories inside me. Your birthdays, your first periods, your first bicycle rides, your first crush. Faces of people in your lives that I don't even recognize. So don't you dare look at me like that, treat me like I'm the villain when I put so much of me just to save your ungrateful asses. Remember that the next time you have broken elbows and knees, shattered bones, burns, cuts, food poisoning. Remember who's the one who will feel all those things with you to make your miserable lives better."[/color] He further said with so much venom and malice in his voice before turning her back to them. He refused to show them any more weakness especially with his eyes getting shinier as his tears threatened to flow. He did look a little too long at Sasuke before leaving, so he might have noticed it too. He started to walk back to where Yuki was, not caring about being in the first night's watch anymore. In a fit of rage, he waved his hand quickly at random and his strings materialized out of his fingers. He jumped in surprise when he heard a loud sound, and realized he just slashed at a tree trunk. The mark he left on it made it look like a beast did it and it reminded him of another side of his powers. Asahi looked at his strings, or should he call them wires now? He didn't care anymore, willing the wires to return to his system before continuing his walk towards Yuki. He heard it before he saw it, Duncan convincing Yukiko to 'let go' of their comatose classmate. He made his steps a bit louder to announce his presence and not surprise them before looking at Yukiko. [color=#fbb6cb]"Give me until tomorrow to try and save him when I get a little more rest. When I still fail, you can do whatever you want with him. I don't want to give you any false hope but you know me, I don't stop until the bitter end. Still, the choice is yours Yukiko."[/color] Asahi sat down with the two of them and looked solemnly at Yuki. [color=#fbb6cb]"Know that whatever you decide, it will bring him peace."[/color]