[center][h3][color=8F00FF]Nil[/color] [/h3][/center] [b]Mekong River - 10/25/2022[/b] In the few seconds before the [i]landing[/i] Nil had the good instinct of activating her Noble Arm, not that it would save the boat or the other passengers but at least it would ensure the impact itself wouldn’t be much of a problem for her, all that needed to be accounted for were the bits and pieces exploding and stabbing from all sides. But while the shock was no problem, a broken shin with a piece of steel stuck in surely is. The pain sharply rushed up all the way up from the left leg, for a split second the outside world ceased to be made of things that can be [i]seen[/i] but only that can be [i]felt[/i] and [i]heard[/i]. In a fuzzy return to consciousness Nil’s head filled with continuous, annoying buzzing, slowly she went through the motions of getting out of the crashed vessel, plane, glider maybe? Then as she crawled out, pain, static, [i]not good[/i], and pain from the left leg once again as the hydrenaline subsided, accompanied by a headache, not so much from the crash but from the continuous buzzing of sounds. Slowly composed herself, if anything because she’s not meant to be loud during combat, especially without, no, the headphones broke… damn again… if they can’t make them anti-missile at least could they be anti-boat crash? The rest of the crew? After getting out of the wreck only one more poor soul could be seen, at least someone else survived but it certainly doesn’t look like a safe landing, unless a car crashing into a concrete wall could also be considered safe. [i]But where was everyone else?[/i] Nil knew there were other people in the boat, like Henri… aaand that’s the only person she knew the name of, actually who was this person who also survived the crash? [color=8F00FF]”Uh, where everyone?”[/color] Nil quietly asked, as if expecting the other person to know, fortunately after a brief introduction and assessment of the situation the other Arms master revealed themselves to be a healer, and that would take care of the pain in the left shin, but not so much the increasing migraine. Of course a healer can’t bring back the rest of the crew either. Anyway, it was not the time to dwell on those who weren’t here. Walking around the camp was a struggle, but at least possible with a healed leg it was possible, not to diminish the torment of their surroundings, for most people it would be the tense sneaking as the ongoing carnage rages, taking away the lives they were supposed to save, for Nil however it was the accursed sounds of said carnage, fully automatic weapons accompanying screams of terror and madness, from literally every single direction. Hands on her head Nil summoned various copies of Stang and tried to follow the nun in a quick firefight with some guards maddened by Noel’s power, launching a couple of them to quickly dispatch these foes with… yet… another… boom. But of course the reverberations of gunfire did not stop, not while the entire camp and area around it continued to be an indiscriminate slaughterfest, but it was the sounds especially close that irked Nil the most, the almost omnipresence of screams of both maddened guards and the revolting prisoners, and the constant sound of rifles fulfilling their firey purpose both far and near. All of it just stuck in Nil’s skull, at least the sharp metal was removed with enough pulling and blood, but this was just an aggravatingly constant ache. [color=8F00FF]”SHUT!”[/color] The girl yelled as half a second later her voice was covered by the booming impacts of the glowing Noble Arm, fired to all directions from where sounds were once heard, no regard to differentiate prisoners from guards. A mist of dust and blood all that was left from most shots, along with cracks of what once were walls now partially or fully demolished. Fortunately the remaining guards were unable to recognise friend from foe and were too distracted shooting each other to be a real danger, but it was not like so for everyone, and sure enough the scene had attracted unwanted attention, if the flying boat hadn’t given them away already. While the newly awakened Arms Masters approached, Nil was still recovering and trying to piece out the situation they were in, but after seeing the two PLA guards cutting their own to close the distance it quickly became obvious. The not super fast reaction eventually came as Nil formed three copies of Stang, preparing to engage the rookies. But the real threat was from above. Multiple scaldingly hot arrows rained down on the camp, accurate enough to endanger the ASEAN Arms Masters while sparing the PLA ones, these small flashes of light cleared the camp of many ravingly mad guards and the poor prisoners in the crossfire. Nil was almost thankful as the gunfire noise slowly became more distant, [i]almost[/i] thankful, if everyone died it would be a failed mission and no one at HQ would be happy about it. Nil tried to back away from the approaching enemies, and slowed down their advance by throwing her staffs, two on the boy with ice abilities and one on the girl with strings of light. As a flying Ai Chen suppressed the team, Nil just about missed her targets, but the impact blast would still be enough to rupture internal organs and cloud the masters perception with deafening impacts and a cloud of dust. Particularly Liu Xi would be hard-pressed to resist double the impacts.