[b]Matty[/b] It's about twenty minutes after the Emberlight and Novasurge returned before Isabelle and another Terenian exit the private hangar. The scents of sweat and grease intertwine them both, clearly the results of a very vigorous training session. You might recognise Isabelle's companion from the party - the one that had the love of craft beer and karaoke. Clearly a trusted confidante who you can speak freely in front of. They both stop short as they notice you waiting for them. Pink tints Isabelle's cheeks and she glances sideways at her companion. Is she surprised to see you or something? Embarrased to meet you in this informal setting perhaps? No time to worry about it though, you have your message to deliver, so that's what you do. After all, Mirror is counting on you! In the awkward silence that follows, Isabelle seems confused. Oh no, did you not do it right? Is there a problem? This isn't how the script is meant to go! "I ... uh. I thought my deal with Mirror was just involving me. Why does she need my sibling's help with Solarel?" she replies, adjusting the legs of her coveralls, seemingly a little distracted still. "I mean, don't worry; I'm not going to back down from my part, but given the uh ... questionable legality around this I hope you'd understand if I'm not keen on exposing my siblings to any potential fallout of my actions." Oops. It sounds like she's just got the wrong idea. What will you say to bring her back onto track?